8 principles of child safety from Dr. Roshal
Thirty two million four hundred thirty eight thousand six hundred eight
Bumps and bruises are an integral part of childhood, and they simply can not be. But from a mild injury to the dangerous fracture — one step, and that the child was not made, parents need to observe some simple rules.
Site prepared 8 principles of child safety from the well-known pediatrician that will help to protect the baby from many troubles.
The safety in sleep
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See also
10 helpful tips for parents, how to protect your child from danger
7 good reasons why you should not post pictures of their children online
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/7-veskih-prichin-pochemu-ne-stoit-razmeschat-fotografii-svoih-detej-v-internete-1326365/
Bumps and bruises are an integral part of childhood, and they simply can not be. But from a mild injury to the dangerous fracture — one step, and that the child was not made, parents need to observe some simple rules.
Site prepared 8 principles of child safety from the well-known pediatrician that will help to protect the baby from many troubles.
The safety in sleep

- The child should sleep on the back. If you change the official recommendations from "lay on belly" to "laid back" in the countries of Western Europe the death rate from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) since 1992 has decreased in 3 times.
- Quilted blanket with embroidery can block the airway of the baby during sleep. Firm mattress with a tightly stretched sheet elastic is all you need.
- Between the bars of the crib should fit a can of coke. This distance is optimal for that child getting stuck between the slats.
- A sleeping child must be freed from scarves, clothing or hats with ties, bibs, teats or toys on the laces.

- Install in house certified the gate security. Stairways must be installed and at the beginning and at the end of the structure.
- Always lock your kids in the use of high chairs or pet. Putting the baby in a carrier, set it on the floor, not a chair, table or any other furniture.
- If the child moves around the house with the Walker, install this fixture away from stairs, hot appliances or window hanging wire cords.
- Place the Windows, specialized lattice. They should be equipped with emergency release devices in case of fire.
- Provide a secure fit of furniture (especially high cabinets), technology and any other objects that could tip over and fall.

- Make sure toys do not contain small parts that a child can tear off and try to swallow.
- The diet of children up to 5 years must not contain products of round shape thick consistency such as sliced sausage, kernels of nuts, caramel, grapes, corn.
- Keep wires and cords out of reach of your child. Move the crib, playpen, toys and children's furniture away from these items.
- Periodically walk on all fours on the floor thus you will quickly notice the objects that the child can send in your mouth.
- Complete courses of indirect massage and artificial pulmonary ventilation to hold the child if necessary, CPR.

- Hide from children matches and lighters. Don't keep the house lighters and other fire sources, like toys.
- Do not hold the baby while cooking on the stove. Follow the iron, Curling iron, and hair dryer after use, unplug them and put them in a safe place.
- Cook on the far burner,and hot cooked food keep it where baby can't reach. The long handles of buckets and casseroles, standing at the plate or on the table, turn away from the edge.
- Exclude stay of the child near a hot stove and install a protective barrier on the stove.
- Install a home fire alarm system — it helps to reduce the risk of death in emergency twice.

- If you suspect that your child has swallowed any dangerous substance, do not attempt to induce vomiting or to give the baby the "drink» swallowed without first consulting a doctor.
- More than half of all children's intoxications provoked random medication. Keep all medications (even vitamins) out of reach of child. Don't call medicine candy, because it can trigger a child's interest in them.
- On the doors of the cabinets that store household chemicals and medicines, install special locks.
- Keep small electronics and gadgets containing lithium battery away from children. This alarm fobs, watches, remote controls, "flameless candles", laser pointers, flashlights and similar items.
- Enter the mobile phone number of the nearest clinic or doctor to get advice in case of poisoning or other dangerous situations.

- When bathing at home after all the procedures you need to immediately drain the tub. Cover toilets, doors in toilets, bathrooms and Laundry room keep constantly closed.
- Open water (even in the regular tub or bucket) on the plot must be absent or enclosed because the baby can fall and drown.
- More than half of parents believe that if children were taught to swim, he doesn't need supervision when near the water. In fact, 47% of drowned children aged 10 to 17 years had the swimming skills.
- Tragedy on the water, tend to occursilently and for no more than 1 minute. Therefore, observing the child, do not be distracted by reading books, talking on the phone and other things.

- In the car, the child can sit in the adult chair, only if its height exceeds 140 cm and a weight of not less 32 kg. If the baby is too big for a portable child seat, but have not grown to an adult, you need to use a booster (seat without back).
- Baby car seats for children under 2 years should be set against the movement of the machine. Before you start the car, try to "take" the belt, and if the fold was formed — tighten it tighter. Itself car seat should not move more than 2-3 see
- If a child uses an adult seat, it needs to wear regular seat belts. The upper part of the belt should pass through chest and shoulder the child, not to cross his neck, and the lower part must lie on hips and not to cross his stomach.
- Keep hot food, massive gifts, and everything can begin to move around the cabin when braking, away from the baby.

- If you bought your child a bike, roller skates or scooter, be sure to purchase and helmet, since this is the only effective means of protection against traumatic brain injury.
- The child's clothing while riding should be bright, preferably with reflective elements. A Bicycle must be equipped with front and rear light source.
- Before leaving check the reliability of fastening of headlights, brake operation, gear selector and the condition of the wheels.
- When riding a bike teach your child to engage in eye contact and serve hand signals how can drivers and pedestrians to be predictable for other road users.
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See also
10 helpful tips for parents, how to protect your child from danger
7 good reasons why you should not post pictures of their children online
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/7-veskih-prichin-pochemu-ne-stoit-razmeschat-fotografii-svoih-detej-v-internete-1326365/
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