12 best plants for a child's room

Well-chosen plants for the nursery in the room creates a special microclimate, soothe the child, collect dust and fill the air with delicate aromas and oxygen. These colors are special requirements: they must not be poisonous, prickly, strong-smelling or can cause allergies. So the task of choosing plants for the nursery is very trivial. However, we coped with it and chose for your child's 12 best potted plants.
1. Sansevieriya or "Teschin language"
Sansevieriya — undemanding plant with beautiful decorative leaves and small white flowers. There are many varieties and types sansevieriya with different patterns on the leaves. Well and growing rapidly, but likes to be wooed and often rubbed the leaves. When the plant is breathing, it cleans the air of substances emitted by furniture or flooring.
Sansevieriya three-band "Golden Hahnii"

Sansevieriya cylindrical

Hahnii Marginata

Sansevieriya three-band 'Super Hahnii Marginata'

2. Drevolagenie lemon tree fills the air in a child's freshness, purity and ease — through the provision of leaves of essential oils. They, combining with the ions of the air, kill germs. These properties are stored and the flowers with fruits. The lack of clear Intrusive smell and citrus essential oils will help your child fall asleep faster.

3. Kalanchoe poisonous, very bright flower with many varieties and types that define the appearance of the plant. Not has a strong Intrusive smell. Likes a bright place and quite unpretentious.

4. Chlorophytum orderly air. Absolutely unassuming, pretty blooms with small white flowers. He is like a sponge, sucking out air impurities, harmful substances, dust, instead of giving pure oxygen. Not dangerous, even if you chew on a leaf.

5. Falkane one generation of children grew up with violet. It is not toxic and does not require special care. Lovely flowers delight the eye, and rough leaves cover soft, not prickly fuzz, the baby will be hard to get hurt on the plant. A huge variety of new forms and varieties allow you to select flowers according to the taste and to give the children's bedroom a delicate flavor.

6. Cypress This cute "tree" just attracts the eyes of not only children but also adults. It allocates phytoncides, killing fungus and bacteria. And the cleaner from him anywhere, easily cleans the air by attracting dust. But, like any "chimney sweep", in need of a refreshing shower.

7. Begonia essential oils, begonia works as a filter, purifying the air from bacteria, dust, positively affects the respiratory tract. It is better to put the pot in a bright place, begonia like irrigation, but it is not necessary to spray.
Many moms worrying pubescence on the stems of the plants. But the hairs are soft and do not crumble. Begonia is growing in my mother son a couple of times off of her leaves, and the pubescence not hurt him.

8. Decapitating famous and popular houseplant, also known as the "zigokaktus". Many know it under the name "Christmas star" or "Christmas cactus" because he dismisses his star-shaped flowers just for this occasion. Can also refute the view that if he were to move, it will not bloom. My mom has several times the coaches would simply be fitted on different places on the flowering not affected, although many is not uncommon.

9. Hibiscus, or China rose
This is truly majestic plant. And in the truest sense of the word. Hibiscus flowers are just gorgeous, they can be simple or double, as I have. Pink, Burgundy, yellow. Not poisonous and has no obvious smell, but tall! In the nursery it is better to put a young, small plant, as an adult reaches a height of 2 m, which is not suitable for any room.

10. Tradescantianum decorative plant that is well suited for pots, its long stems hang down beautifully. Unpretentious, non-toxic, and is safe and away from playful hands of a child.

11. Peperomiya parents with sickly kids give birth in the nursery this plant. It is able to catch in the air and destroy harmful bacteria. Peperomii not afraid of shade, it blooms often and not care.

12. Spatifillum beautiful plant with large flowers and leaves. Spathiphyllum can not only purify air, but also moisturize it. Not too time-consuming to care for. Popularly known as the "happy flower" or "flower of happiness", therefore frequently invited into the nursery to maintain an atmosphere of love and happiness. I adhere to science and would buy it more for the aesthetic appearance, as in my children's lives great happiness, which is not averse to tear off the sheet, or you dig up holes in plants.

And it's nice to choose plants in a room with an older child. This is not only useful and beautiful, but also gives the child the opportunity to feel responsible for his first wards. Use our tips to avoid poisonings and injuries, and choose a real wonder in the room!
Source: www.7dach.ru
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