Money or Conscience. The reality about morality ...
I am strongly opposed to natural talent people who got into sales, becoming "vultures", "privately" necessary and unnecessary things.
It is a shame that the quality of human potential, with feeling, subtlety of perception of other people, natural feature is to listen and hear others in the pursuit of numbers (money) loses its human nature.
What exactly you write? Told specially for Sergey Zemlyanov. Comes the nice girl to the company, sociable, kind, disciplined and ambitious. Her begin to train in sales, technology, principles, approaches. The main vector is the more sales per unit of time, i.e. a clear position that everyone who came, you need to "cut" money. And motivate her with money and career growth and possibilities as she pleased all to absorb and learn.
Is 8-10-12 months of modest cute creatures grows "wolf". Slender, beautiful, soft, pleasant voice, confident, clear speech attracts so he was ready to invite the house (where the money is), all will inquire, and she would gently "motivate" you to buy something and had not planned to buy, and in the course and a lot of unnecessary. Although the feeling will be that it must be really need and how you ever lived without it.
What is the difficulty in the above? Most will say ANYTHING is cool – it's a sale, I have a sales. I thought so too 13 years (from 16), selling in that aspect.
What is the difficulty and where a serious problem that I discovered?
The difficulty is that a professional sales Manager, and simply the seller is a "machine" that is able to efficiently perform the task. A key task is to bring a certain amount of money in cash or on account. People is leads or potential buyers who need to "handle" using your life experience and invested money in training and mentoring.
Which one of You wants to be LEAD? A person with whom to communicate due to the fact that it can be "compacted" or "to dissolve" on money?
After all, everyone of us wants to be the person to help solve problems like human beings, right?
What completely I mean?
Regulations sales of modern techniques of teaching 100% focused on clear internal vector from the seller the MONEY. This dramatically reduced the human factor and even the most empathetic and humane the sellers eventually begin to measure the clients most of the money and, without noticing, its internal sub-concepts and priorities. And trainings, which describes what is necessary to help the person solve his problem (problem) perceived as "childish" prattle.
Their pursuit of financial results often lost humanity, and this is very dangerous dynamic for all of us. Just as long as we don't realize it...
How do I know? It's very corny!
I am a professional seller. More than 15 years of experience. More than 20 different types of niches (products and services). Raised to a new level of sales skills more than 300 people. 11 built sales teams from scratch.
3 years ago I often of the 3 meetings sold one of his consulting services from 100 thousand rubles per month. 4-5 years ago I sold just ambitions to make a deal, and I don't really care, will benefit from the purchase or not. Buyer "adult" and he will understand.
Gradually I cease to forget that you possess a powerful intellect, experience, in-depth techniques and intuition, well-delivered speech and the power of persuasion, which gave me birth.
The probability that the result will be not in my favor was always minimal. It was only a matter of time. Patience, orderliness, perseverance is a quality that must have every professional salesman, and I certainly had them.
I really was a man who had a conversion with a "cold" operation of about 30%.
As I understand something wrong here?
4 years ago I began sinking deeper in spiritual practices and to communicate with people that are selflessly doing something for others. At first I was surprised, then I began increasingly to get involved in this process, and then started to deeply change and realized that I was "hard", "unprincipled", "unaware" of the "monster paddle", which for private purposes for private gain, uses the TITANIC POTENTIAL of HUMAN CAPABILITIES.
I started to track what I was not aware of the affect man and move him where I need. I started actively keeping a diary and was impressed with his motives. 70-90% of the motives were not very high quality, I really feel ashamed now to write about it, but it was all about the numbers. The truth is in the performance of their obligations I to give high quality results, but I'm not happy.
The motive is the message that forms the reality and dynamics of the initially formed the motive of "catching up" of the Creator, and he gets a "bonus".
It happened to me.
I bought the franchise partner of the Federal format. But under the influence of active and unscrupulous business approach from Moscow, with internal moral contradictions, went out of business in spring 2014. Finished the latest projectsales turnkey’ and began to promote psychological services one of professionals.
Wrote letters with the motive to help people solve their life issues, and they responded, doing calls with a heart attitude and a willingness to help and respond. So it took 2 months. Money became less, the habit remained the same, had to start to sell. This is where it all started ...
Morality and reality – who is stronger?
I decided at any cost I will not make the decision for the client, I will not manipulate, I will not consciously to influence the choice, just going to give the opportunity to make a decision.
And then it began...
1 week, more than 10 times – zero sales
Week 2, more than 10 times – zero sales
3-5 week — the dynamics are the same.
Repeated calls and meetings did not give any results. I started to lose faith in yourself and in your abilities, but never allowed myself to cross the line internally generated morality, therefore, and behaviors.
Sometimes at meetings "seasoned salesman" inside said: "Serega take his money, look how many problems, you should say so here and so and he will get you a "tug"." At the end of November, I was just crushed: 2 months of work, more than 50 meetings and nearly 200 calls on target clients and zero financial result.
There were moments when I was driving to a meeting, and gasoline in the car blinked for a second day and I "shot" of 100 rubles at the gas station, operational since the money ran out and I started to partially borrow from friends.
Remember the state when the car broke a wheel and going to the nearest tire shop, I voltage thought how will in the end pay. As shame opened the purse and took out a small thing and apologizing, promised later to get the remaining 120 rubles.
The importance has collapsed, I started to give up ... I'm a business consultant, who a year ago was led by the Federal company (in state 4 consultants) and sold in a month for 300-400 thousand of consulting services personally and may for the second month in a row to sell it for food and gasoline.
Fate has given the opportunity to test how stable my qualities.
I survived, I'm proud of it, appreciate the experience and am very grateful to all who for various reasons do not buy if from me.
5 Dec 2014 how to remember Friday – the first sale to 5,000 rubles. First shift. Then the next week another 4 sales. Life began to improve.
Why I wrote about it showing partially background on his personal life and his personal qualities?
The world is changing. I feel like there is a division of people on "concepts" and some will bow to humanity and morality, and the other further and further deviate from these qualities.
I realize that this "heroic" by one probably will not go, I do not recommend.
It's just time to think how, being HUMAN, without resistance, already well-established principles and customs, to form new reality.
How to make ourselves less and less measured each other's benefits, and more valued qualities of character and deeds?
How to grow your business without losing profits while not violating simple human values?
Rely on that and what to teach "youngsters", who will build our future, our children's future?
2 years of personal reflection experiments on these and other topics leads me to believe that it was the time of formation of the MORAL foundations of those who are drawn to it, but sees no alternative. To begin to answer the questions of where and how it is taken, where and how to use it?
Rule 15 meetings: how to acquire useful connections
9 ways to show leadership generosity
After all, to declare that we will no longer "provisional government" and manipulated – it is a challenge to the system and it just will not allow it. The Director or head of sales Department immediately recall the loan and inability to pay wages, his wife about commitments and planned holidays in Thailand. To stand alone and make it drastically is extremely difficult, and I emphasize — I do not recommend.
Much more important to recognize the problem, to find the strength and the motive to reflect, and then look for a HARMONIOUS, smooth solution.published
Author: Segrey Zemlyanov, especially for
Source: Sergey Zemlyanov
It is a shame that the quality of human potential, with feeling, subtlety of perception of other people, natural feature is to listen and hear others in the pursuit of numbers (money) loses its human nature.
What exactly you write? Told specially for Sergey Zemlyanov. Comes the nice girl to the company, sociable, kind, disciplined and ambitious. Her begin to train in sales, technology, principles, approaches. The main vector is the more sales per unit of time, i.e. a clear position that everyone who came, you need to "cut" money. And motivate her with money and career growth and possibilities as she pleased all to absorb and learn.

Is 8-10-12 months of modest cute creatures grows "wolf". Slender, beautiful, soft, pleasant voice, confident, clear speech attracts so he was ready to invite the house (where the money is), all will inquire, and she would gently "motivate" you to buy something and had not planned to buy, and in the course and a lot of unnecessary. Although the feeling will be that it must be really need and how you ever lived without it.
What is the difficulty in the above? Most will say ANYTHING is cool – it's a sale, I have a sales. I thought so too 13 years (from 16), selling in that aspect.
What is the difficulty and where a serious problem that I discovered?
The difficulty is that a professional sales Manager, and simply the seller is a "machine" that is able to efficiently perform the task. A key task is to bring a certain amount of money in cash or on account. People is leads or potential buyers who need to "handle" using your life experience and invested money in training and mentoring.
Which one of You wants to be LEAD? A person with whom to communicate due to the fact that it can be "compacted" or "to dissolve" on money?
After all, everyone of us wants to be the person to help solve problems like human beings, right?
What completely I mean?
Regulations sales of modern techniques of teaching 100% focused on clear internal vector from the seller the MONEY. This dramatically reduced the human factor and even the most empathetic and humane the sellers eventually begin to measure the clients most of the money and, without noticing, its internal sub-concepts and priorities. And trainings, which describes what is necessary to help the person solve his problem (problem) perceived as "childish" prattle.
Their pursuit of financial results often lost humanity, and this is very dangerous dynamic for all of us. Just as long as we don't realize it...
How do I know? It's very corny!
I am a professional seller. More than 15 years of experience. More than 20 different types of niches (products and services). Raised to a new level of sales skills more than 300 people. 11 built sales teams from scratch.
3 years ago I often of the 3 meetings sold one of his consulting services from 100 thousand rubles per month. 4-5 years ago I sold just ambitions to make a deal, and I don't really care, will benefit from the purchase or not. Buyer "adult" and he will understand.
Gradually I cease to forget that you possess a powerful intellect, experience, in-depth techniques and intuition, well-delivered speech and the power of persuasion, which gave me birth.
The probability that the result will be not in my favor was always minimal. It was only a matter of time. Patience, orderliness, perseverance is a quality that must have every professional salesman, and I certainly had them.
I really was a man who had a conversion with a "cold" operation of about 30%.
As I understand something wrong here?
4 years ago I began sinking deeper in spiritual practices and to communicate with people that are selflessly doing something for others. At first I was surprised, then I began increasingly to get involved in this process, and then started to deeply change and realized that I was "hard", "unprincipled", "unaware" of the "monster paddle", which for private purposes for private gain, uses the TITANIC POTENTIAL of HUMAN CAPABILITIES.
I started to track what I was not aware of the affect man and move him where I need. I started actively keeping a diary and was impressed with his motives. 70-90% of the motives were not very high quality, I really feel ashamed now to write about it, but it was all about the numbers. The truth is in the performance of their obligations I to give high quality results, but I'm not happy.
The motive is the message that forms the reality and dynamics of the initially formed the motive of "catching up" of the Creator, and he gets a "bonus".
It happened to me.
I bought the franchise partner of the Federal format. But under the influence of active and unscrupulous business approach from Moscow, with internal moral contradictions, went out of business in spring 2014. Finished the latest projectsales turnkey’ and began to promote psychological services one of professionals.
Wrote letters with the motive to help people solve their life issues, and they responded, doing calls with a heart attitude and a willingness to help and respond. So it took 2 months. Money became less, the habit remained the same, had to start to sell. This is where it all started ...

Morality and reality – who is stronger?
I decided at any cost I will not make the decision for the client, I will not manipulate, I will not consciously to influence the choice, just going to give the opportunity to make a decision.
And then it began...
1 week, more than 10 times – zero sales
Week 2, more than 10 times – zero sales
3-5 week — the dynamics are the same.
Repeated calls and meetings did not give any results. I started to lose faith in yourself and in your abilities, but never allowed myself to cross the line internally generated morality, therefore, and behaviors.
Sometimes at meetings "seasoned salesman" inside said: "Serega take his money, look how many problems, you should say so here and so and he will get you a "tug"." At the end of November, I was just crushed: 2 months of work, more than 50 meetings and nearly 200 calls on target clients and zero financial result.
There were moments when I was driving to a meeting, and gasoline in the car blinked for a second day and I "shot" of 100 rubles at the gas station, operational since the money ran out and I started to partially borrow from friends.
Remember the state when the car broke a wheel and going to the nearest tire shop, I voltage thought how will in the end pay. As shame opened the purse and took out a small thing and apologizing, promised later to get the remaining 120 rubles.
The importance has collapsed, I started to give up ... I'm a business consultant, who a year ago was led by the Federal company (in state 4 consultants) and sold in a month for 300-400 thousand of consulting services personally and may for the second month in a row to sell it for food and gasoline.
Fate has given the opportunity to test how stable my qualities.
I survived, I'm proud of it, appreciate the experience and am very grateful to all who for various reasons do not buy if from me.
5 Dec 2014 how to remember Friday – the first sale to 5,000 rubles. First shift. Then the next week another 4 sales. Life began to improve.
Why I wrote about it showing partially background on his personal life and his personal qualities?
The world is changing. I feel like there is a division of people on "concepts" and some will bow to humanity and morality, and the other further and further deviate from these qualities.
I realize that this "heroic" by one probably will not go, I do not recommend.
It's just time to think how, being HUMAN, without resistance, already well-established principles and customs, to form new reality.
How to make ourselves less and less measured each other's benefits, and more valued qualities of character and deeds?
How to grow your business without losing profits while not violating simple human values?
Rely on that and what to teach "youngsters", who will build our future, our children's future?
2 years of personal reflection experiments on these and other topics leads me to believe that it was the time of formation of the MORAL foundations of those who are drawn to it, but sees no alternative. To begin to answer the questions of where and how it is taken, where and how to use it?
Rule 15 meetings: how to acquire useful connections
9 ways to show leadership generosity
After all, to declare that we will no longer "provisional government" and manipulated – it is a challenge to the system and it just will not allow it. The Director or head of sales Department immediately recall the loan and inability to pay wages, his wife about commitments and planned holidays in Thailand. To stand alone and make it drastically is extremely difficult, and I emphasize — I do not recommend.
Much more important to recognize the problem, to find the strength and the motive to reflect, and then look for a HARMONIOUS, smooth solution.published
Author: Segrey Zemlyanov, especially for
Source: Sergey Zemlyanov