The whole truth about the Foundation — what you need to know to home to stand for long
That Foundation is the basis of the home that depend on the durability of the structure and the security of living in it it was said many, many times. Nevertheless, the frivolous attitude to the "fundamental" issue is not an uncommon phenomenon today. Therefore, to reiterate the importance of the stage of construction of the Foundation is not excessive.
Centuries-old experience of construction of the developed design of the traditional massive sunken foundations, ensuring the longevity of the buildings. These foundations rely on the soil below the depth of its freezing, have sufficient bearing area, very material-intensive, heavy, and expensive. For example, the cost of traditional Foundation for a five-story building averaged around 40 percent of the total value of the house. In the case of difficult soil conditions, sometimes more.
Picky fans beautifully pokleit Wallpaper expensive it's hard to imagine, because so much money is necessary "to dig", and then they will not be visible... it is Clear that the majority of the population at all times was not able to bear such costs, because rustic cabin and put "cornerstone", on watery surface "ribbons", and the results we see everywhere. But despite the obvious inferiority of these foundations, they are deeply stuck in the minds of the population, and in the selection of contractors the only criterion consider the price for which will be made to the Foundation, and about reliability I do not think at all.
By the way, traditional log cabins rescued our ancestors from the cold, although the flimsy Foundation beneath them being "stirred". Often due to distortions of the walls as a result of subsidence ceased to close and open Windows and doors, then were taken into the hands of a chisel, podesheveli schools and lived on. When on a weak Foundation tried to put a brick or block walls, the results were even more pitiable.
Of course, every rule must be at least one exception. The exception is usually some neighbor who built a house on a thin "ribbon" five years ago, and proudly declared how inexpensive it cost the Foundation. This neighbor actually plays roulette with nature. The house can stand and five and ten years — while there are favourable soil conditions, but should be delayed rainy autumn, sharply turning into freezing, it inevitably "will move" with all the attendant consequences. Even the soil in the base of the house are often very heterogeneous. Once in the year under one corner of the house could be a cesspool, but under others, on the contrary, the ground was covered with stones from the heater once the burnt black of the bath.
Modern engineering solutions allow you to achieve the unshakeable reliability of foundations, based on modern materials and technologies. All this makes it possible to achieve the desired result with less than conventional technologies, costs.
Often meet to build the foundations of technology of ushp (insulated Swedish plate), which is also called the Scandinavian stove. This is a massive monolithic slab, laid on sand training, with dual reinforcement. Correctly executed, Nordic stove provides the necessary reliability home forever and is perhaps the only drawback — after all it is a little expensive. Although on average it gives about 15 per cent savings compared to traditional embedded tape.
The cheapest solution of Foundation problems - piles. They basically go screw, drilled or driven. The decision about which pile to use best taken with competent builders, as not every type of piles may be appropriate for a particular case. Today the market is overheated sentences of the type "Foundation". Really fast, really cheap, but some of the piles under the house is not enough.
The pile field is still not a finished basement, and prefabricated. Soils are heterogeneous, and each pile supports the load in different ways. What kind of metal they are neither obari, their drawdown will be different. This again skews the walls, again we will have to cut the jambs of Windows and doors.
In order to redistribute load between the piles, to eliminate sagging and bulging, a link between the end walls of the reinforced piles, monolithic grillage, which will not allow the piles to "roam". And to add to the home environment and comfort for the sand preparation on the raft monolithics insulated reinforced screed, which is the rough floor of the first floor. Under this tie stacked communications, she mounted finish floors (wood, parquet, ceramic, linoleum, laminates,...). Whether on this basis to do electric or warm water floors.
That's the type of combined grating-pile-slab Foundation is currently a leader in the assessment of the "reliability/price". The average price of a Foundation for the individual house with a finished rough floor and release networking begins from 4 thousand rubles per 1 square meter of the building footprint of the building.
Of course, this "average temperature on hospital" as very different soil conditions. And the houses themselves are different — someone has a brick, someone frame... Appreciation may give installation under the floor of the caisson, cellar device, difficult terrain, distances and entrances and a lot of other factors.
And yet, without a solid Foundation cannot be a permanent home. Wallpaper glue is not hard, fix the Foundation — much more difficult. Errors in the foundations, fix it is impossible for any money. published
Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-39579/

Centuries-old experience of construction of the developed design of the traditional massive sunken foundations, ensuring the longevity of the buildings. These foundations rely on the soil below the depth of its freezing, have sufficient bearing area, very material-intensive, heavy, and expensive. For example, the cost of traditional Foundation for a five-story building averaged around 40 percent of the total value of the house. In the case of difficult soil conditions, sometimes more.

Picky fans beautifully pokleit Wallpaper expensive it's hard to imagine, because so much money is necessary "to dig", and then they will not be visible... it is Clear that the majority of the population at all times was not able to bear such costs, because rustic cabin and put "cornerstone", on watery surface "ribbons", and the results we see everywhere. But despite the obvious inferiority of these foundations, they are deeply stuck in the minds of the population, and in the selection of contractors the only criterion consider the price for which will be made to the Foundation, and about reliability I do not think at all.
By the way, traditional log cabins rescued our ancestors from the cold, although the flimsy Foundation beneath them being "stirred". Often due to distortions of the walls as a result of subsidence ceased to close and open Windows and doors, then were taken into the hands of a chisel, podesheveli schools and lived on. When on a weak Foundation tried to put a brick or block walls, the results were even more pitiable.
Of course, every rule must be at least one exception. The exception is usually some neighbor who built a house on a thin "ribbon" five years ago, and proudly declared how inexpensive it cost the Foundation. This neighbor actually plays roulette with nature. The house can stand and five and ten years — while there are favourable soil conditions, but should be delayed rainy autumn, sharply turning into freezing, it inevitably "will move" with all the attendant consequences. Even the soil in the base of the house are often very heterogeneous. Once in the year under one corner of the house could be a cesspool, but under others, on the contrary, the ground was covered with stones from the heater once the burnt black of the bath.
Modern engineering solutions allow you to achieve the unshakeable reliability of foundations, based on modern materials and technologies. All this makes it possible to achieve the desired result with less than conventional technologies, costs.
Often meet to build the foundations of technology of ushp (insulated Swedish plate), which is also called the Scandinavian stove. This is a massive monolithic slab, laid on sand training, with dual reinforcement. Correctly executed, Nordic stove provides the necessary reliability home forever and is perhaps the only drawback — after all it is a little expensive. Although on average it gives about 15 per cent savings compared to traditional embedded tape.
The cheapest solution of Foundation problems - piles. They basically go screw, drilled or driven. The decision about which pile to use best taken with competent builders, as not every type of piles may be appropriate for a particular case. Today the market is overheated sentences of the type "Foundation". Really fast, really cheap, but some of the piles under the house is not enough.

The pile field is still not a finished basement, and prefabricated. Soils are heterogeneous, and each pile supports the load in different ways. What kind of metal they are neither obari, their drawdown will be different. This again skews the walls, again we will have to cut the jambs of Windows and doors.
In order to redistribute load between the piles, to eliminate sagging and bulging, a link between the end walls of the reinforced piles, monolithic grillage, which will not allow the piles to "roam". And to add to the home environment and comfort for the sand preparation on the raft monolithics insulated reinforced screed, which is the rough floor of the first floor. Under this tie stacked communications, she mounted finish floors (wood, parquet, ceramic, linoleum, laminates,...). Whether on this basis to do electric or warm water floors.

That's the type of combined grating-pile-slab Foundation is currently a leader in the assessment of the "reliability/price". The average price of a Foundation for the individual house with a finished rough floor and release networking begins from 4 thousand rubles per 1 square meter of the building footprint of the building.
Of course, this "average temperature on hospital" as very different soil conditions. And the houses themselves are different — someone has a brick, someone frame... Appreciation may give installation under the floor of the caisson, cellar device, difficult terrain, distances and entrances and a lot of other factors.

And yet, without a solid Foundation cannot be a permanent home. Wallpaper glue is not hard, fix the Foundation — much more difficult. Errors in the foundations, fix it is impossible for any money. published
Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-39579/
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