20 characteristics of women with whom not to mess
Attention! I like children, pregnant women, and of the chiefs and indigenous Muscovites from the screen. I have prepared for you something unusual. Today our guest expert will talk in detail about why he lives with a cat, what women do not choose men and why. I don't share this opinion, but I believe it has a right to exist, because who would see that your lights, if not shadows.
Read and enjoy. What items are you willing to accept, and which not?
Ninety six million nine hundred fifty eight thousand eight hundred thirty four
1. Started sex life earlier.
Early is subjective. Suspected to relate to those who started sexual life before the age of 17. Of course, you never know. But if it became known, or, what is more, she is not shy to talk about it, it is also understandable. Fall.
2. Dirt not able to create comfort at the household level.
If a woman invited you to her, and her house was a mess, this despite the fact that she invited you in – it must be either very naive or just a moron to assume that by contacting her, you will receive in your dwelling something more. Don't waste your time, get out. Someone you gonna croak about to hire a housekeeper. Really? And can lead assistants zasranka? Twenty years, well below the dust faster wipe?
3. Having bad habits – Smoking, alcohol excessively.
Dumb woman. Don't even know that you can paint more, of course.
4. Working in police, court, tax, bailiff and other power structures.
Power corrupts a woman irreversibly. Having the opportunity to decide the fate of others in their professional activities, the woman inevitably extends its behavior on privacy. It would be naive to expect from such a female native functions – support men in his endeavors. She seriously sees himself the ruler of the Universe, of which it will become in the very near future. This is of course great. But then so what?
5. Boss in any field.
Just the boss, not the point where. Here is about the same as in step 4.
6. Nonconformists of all stripes.
Rocker-biker, dancer, other Bohemians. To talk with such of the moral and ethical principles is like teaching algebra cockroaches. But if you need emotion-adventure – it the most. Pre-purchase in the HPC.
7. Just whistling, believing in anything supernatural.
Believe it all women without exception, but some overly. When the first question from the woman "what's your sign?"you say "goodbye".
8. Projgenie Babi pit, my mother's daughter.
Usually, the latter always obtained as the product of the first, and sometimes in other cases. For the role of wife is not good woman not having a proper model of the relations between a man and a woman who have not received proper education.
Education is not learning in schools. It is given as an example for a long time. A same-sex Union mothers and grandmothers what can you give an example of how to teach the girl the right attitude towards the man? And grandma, playing the role of a surrogate of a male head, is unlikely to create a true representation of how the man treats the woman.
So, if you met the family of your beloved, and saw the Pope there, or astronaut-polar, or has a place in the family hierarchy somewhere between cockroaches and potted flowers, immediately turn shibatora. You can even do not drink tea.
9. Older women of the same age, or slightly younger than women.
A man must be much older. 7 years at least. The only way samotny instinct women will perceive it as a main, which is a prerequisite for long-term quality relationships.
When the difference is small – expect problems. The instinct will be to throw it much more often, making sure there are enough sustainable and viable this male, with whom she lives. Simply put, would be to regularly wash your brain. And it's bad for you and for her. And even dangerous. May cause stress, broken face.
Older women to consider the role of life partner is not recommended. The last time this all sadder and sadder. Man, it seems to be adequate, is associated with a woman for 5 or more years older. Well how is it called? «Normally?» Really? Let's assume he's 25, she's 30. And everything seems fine, she still looks good, and they look close to good. What's next? Will be 5 years. He was 30, she 35. It is at this age no longer a boy, might have achieved public recognition, status. Look at him, making Googly-eyes at young girls.
And he looks around, and sees someone next to him? Woman, the same age where in about 5 years and even earlier will roll through the streets of the stroller with his grandchildren. With all the accessories and options in the form of wrinkles and other things. What will happen, given that five years ago, tense shoulders dumpling long tears – clear. Nature is not Nai... eat.... Given that the purpose of the family – children, it becomes clear that this option is not an option. To have children should be young.
10. Principally.
Women under 30 or a little over, who firmly believes that they are a unique treasure, worthy only of which one is the best. She doesn't know what, but not the ones that sometimes demonstrate to her attentions. Such a sort. In our opinion, in simple words- ipanutoy in the head. But if you are a lover of extreme sports, and you have six lives, do not hesitate, grab and hold. Also, such women will appreciate those who are comfortable with women described in claim 6.
11. RSP. Divorcee with a trailer/trailers.
Any age. At least 20 years. These are even worse. However, you should not hurry to abandon such a good. First determine. If you are going to live with a woman for the birth and parenting of their children is one thing. But if you decided to devote his life to the service of worthless women, fucked at the time, family, and content of another's offspring, it may be worth a closer look. After all, you have four lives. Or whatever? Six? Then, if that replay.
12. Indigenous Muscovite.
Terminally ill with an unknown disease that causes the growth of the CDA, crown and conceit. Mentioned quality items begin to cling about the moon and complicate communication with others, especially with men. Or just make it difficult.
13. Non-indigenous Muscovite.
The disease referred to in the preceding paragraph, contagious and salvation come in large numbers to find.
14. Daddy's daughter.
From a family where the father had a high rank, or authoritarian type, or all together. The danger is that he will remain to her for life a significant male, and the rest will be very pale look on the background. What kind of clause 8, but only where the woman forever tied by the umbilical cord, and here the authority of the father makes the comparison is not in favor of the suitor. But salvation is.
Is steeper than the father. Richer, more influential, or just physically stronger, superior to his father at least something. But better in every way. Very good if you at acquaintance, as it were casually hung daddy fucking ass, not out of malice, but purely for the sake of his daughter. Then you have the chance that it will be yours forever. Otherwise the slightest. But this business risky and unrewarding because there is a high possibility that daddy care will not appreciate and therefore only suitable for lovers, paragraphs 6, 10, 11 and other extreme.
Twenty four million four hundred ninety one thousand nine hundred seventy eight
15. Lovers of "travel".
Their reality is a very different place, and not where your. These "trip" has formed a emotional dependence, from which she is never gonna leave. Well, you can probably create some kind of substitute. But why?
Among them is full of such, who travel to hot countries alone, or with the same as it is for the sake of "romance and passion". Yes, inipath full of local fans available meat. By day he's under a palm tree lying in the dust, and by evening the mud into the sea will wash away, pretend jacket and went to the bar to glue the pins Russian whores. Spend the night in her room are much nicer than the beach lounger, it can be understood. Is it possible to understand our man is not confused by the kilometers of black ... who took this sex bomb?
16. Lazy, not having any interests other than TV and social networks.
The ability to post images and awareness of the relationship between the characters of the TV show not the skills that should be possessed by a woman. In itself, this may not be so bad, but when that's all she knows – it is understandable.
17. Childfree.
If someone does not know – the abandonment of children in favor of personal freedoms, it is the definition. A family has only one goal – the birth and upbringing of children. Well, if a woman to have children is not willing because he wants to have fun, she tightly ipanutaya, so what's going on with her family? Let him have fun without you. However, it may suffice for love. But no more.
18. Businesswoman.
What woman family? The maintenance, housing, protection, children. It all these usually are without a man. And even children. A woman is in a state of extreme stress, internal contradictions. On the one hand, "successful". On the other – nature is not obmanesh, want to give care and affection, and the child is not enough. And regular sex with a partner that knows all of its features, will never replace the occasional mating. No matter what they say about "diversity." Zvizdezh it all. And to be a slut is not all comfortable.
19. Socially unequal.
Choose from their clearing. If you're tough steelworker, you probably won't be the teacher of the University. If you are of average income-the income you don't fit into the heart of a rich heiress. The name you will – Primak. With all the consequences.
If you are a wealthy gentleman, Cinderella is not an option too. The main mistake of men in such cases – it starts to tumble. Driver's license, Malinki-flats. And after some time they get the statement that she just made herself, and a beautiful branched appendages on the head. What do the rich? Nothing to do. Pobyvaete all who want and forget about the family. It is necessary to create a family with a woman whose significance is lower of course, but not so. And it has to grow. And then what... Noseblowing will does not need you, and what you have. All in good time, gentlemen.
20. The eternal student.
These are women who are in high school, straight a student, then the first secondary, second, fifth. And so on indefinitely. She is used to increase self-esteem not by compliments and shags, but due to the position of an intellectual. If she has to take study, it will not be simple to understand why live. Well, it was to be what her family there are children. If they manage, the children are guaranteed to be a fatherless, abandoned by her parents.
So what? There are points with which you agree? And what is complete nonsense? published
Source: morena-morana.livejournal.com/637122.html
Read and enjoy. What items are you willing to accept, and which not?
Ninety six million nine hundred fifty eight thousand eight hundred thirty four
1. Started sex life earlier.
Early is subjective. Suspected to relate to those who started sexual life before the age of 17. Of course, you never know. But if it became known, or, what is more, she is not shy to talk about it, it is also understandable. Fall.
2. Dirt not able to create comfort at the household level.
If a woman invited you to her, and her house was a mess, this despite the fact that she invited you in – it must be either very naive or just a moron to assume that by contacting her, you will receive in your dwelling something more. Don't waste your time, get out. Someone you gonna croak about to hire a housekeeper. Really? And can lead assistants zasranka? Twenty years, well below the dust faster wipe?
3. Having bad habits – Smoking, alcohol excessively.
Dumb woman. Don't even know that you can paint more, of course.
4. Working in police, court, tax, bailiff and other power structures.
Power corrupts a woman irreversibly. Having the opportunity to decide the fate of others in their professional activities, the woman inevitably extends its behavior on privacy. It would be naive to expect from such a female native functions – support men in his endeavors. She seriously sees himself the ruler of the Universe, of which it will become in the very near future. This is of course great. But then so what?
5. Boss in any field.
Just the boss, not the point where. Here is about the same as in step 4.
6. Nonconformists of all stripes.
Rocker-biker, dancer, other Bohemians. To talk with such of the moral and ethical principles is like teaching algebra cockroaches. But if you need emotion-adventure – it the most. Pre-purchase in the HPC.
7. Just whistling, believing in anything supernatural.
Believe it all women without exception, but some overly. When the first question from the woman "what's your sign?"you say "goodbye".
8. Projgenie Babi pit, my mother's daughter.
Usually, the latter always obtained as the product of the first, and sometimes in other cases. For the role of wife is not good woman not having a proper model of the relations between a man and a woman who have not received proper education.
Education is not learning in schools. It is given as an example for a long time. A same-sex Union mothers and grandmothers what can you give an example of how to teach the girl the right attitude towards the man? And grandma, playing the role of a surrogate of a male head, is unlikely to create a true representation of how the man treats the woman.
So, if you met the family of your beloved, and saw the Pope there, or astronaut-polar, or has a place in the family hierarchy somewhere between cockroaches and potted flowers, immediately turn shibatora. You can even do not drink tea.
9. Older women of the same age, or slightly younger than women.
A man must be much older. 7 years at least. The only way samotny instinct women will perceive it as a main, which is a prerequisite for long-term quality relationships.
When the difference is small – expect problems. The instinct will be to throw it much more often, making sure there are enough sustainable and viable this male, with whom she lives. Simply put, would be to regularly wash your brain. And it's bad for you and for her. And even dangerous. May cause stress, broken face.
Older women to consider the role of life partner is not recommended. The last time this all sadder and sadder. Man, it seems to be adequate, is associated with a woman for 5 or more years older. Well how is it called? «Normally?» Really? Let's assume he's 25, she's 30. And everything seems fine, she still looks good, and they look close to good. What's next? Will be 5 years. He was 30, she 35. It is at this age no longer a boy, might have achieved public recognition, status. Look at him, making Googly-eyes at young girls.
And he looks around, and sees someone next to him? Woman, the same age where in about 5 years and even earlier will roll through the streets of the stroller with his grandchildren. With all the accessories and options in the form of wrinkles and other things. What will happen, given that five years ago, tense shoulders dumpling long tears – clear. Nature is not Nai... eat.... Given that the purpose of the family – children, it becomes clear that this option is not an option. To have children should be young.
10. Principally.
Women under 30 or a little over, who firmly believes that they are a unique treasure, worthy only of which one is the best. She doesn't know what, but not the ones that sometimes demonstrate to her attentions. Such a sort. In our opinion, in simple words- ipanutoy in the head. But if you are a lover of extreme sports, and you have six lives, do not hesitate, grab and hold. Also, such women will appreciate those who are comfortable with women described in claim 6.
11. RSP. Divorcee with a trailer/trailers.
Any age. At least 20 years. These are even worse. However, you should not hurry to abandon such a good. First determine. If you are going to live with a woman for the birth and parenting of their children is one thing. But if you decided to devote his life to the service of worthless women, fucked at the time, family, and content of another's offspring, it may be worth a closer look. After all, you have four lives. Or whatever? Six? Then, if that replay.
12. Indigenous Muscovite.
Terminally ill with an unknown disease that causes the growth of the CDA, crown and conceit. Mentioned quality items begin to cling about the moon and complicate communication with others, especially with men. Or just make it difficult.
13. Non-indigenous Muscovite.
The disease referred to in the preceding paragraph, contagious and salvation come in large numbers to find.
14. Daddy's daughter.
From a family where the father had a high rank, or authoritarian type, or all together. The danger is that he will remain to her for life a significant male, and the rest will be very pale look on the background. What kind of clause 8, but only where the woman forever tied by the umbilical cord, and here the authority of the father makes the comparison is not in favor of the suitor. But salvation is.
Is steeper than the father. Richer, more influential, or just physically stronger, superior to his father at least something. But better in every way. Very good if you at acquaintance, as it were casually hung daddy fucking ass, not out of malice, but purely for the sake of his daughter. Then you have the chance that it will be yours forever. Otherwise the slightest. But this business risky and unrewarding because there is a high possibility that daddy care will not appreciate and therefore only suitable for lovers, paragraphs 6, 10, 11 and other extreme.
Twenty four million four hundred ninety one thousand nine hundred seventy eight
15. Lovers of "travel".
Their reality is a very different place, and not where your. These "trip" has formed a emotional dependence, from which she is never gonna leave. Well, you can probably create some kind of substitute. But why?
Among them is full of such, who travel to hot countries alone, or with the same as it is for the sake of "romance and passion". Yes, inipath full of local fans available meat. By day he's under a palm tree lying in the dust, and by evening the mud into the sea will wash away, pretend jacket and went to the bar to glue the pins Russian whores. Spend the night in her room are much nicer than the beach lounger, it can be understood. Is it possible to understand our man is not confused by the kilometers of black ... who took this sex bomb?
16. Lazy, not having any interests other than TV and social networks.
The ability to post images and awareness of the relationship between the characters of the TV show not the skills that should be possessed by a woman. In itself, this may not be so bad, but when that's all she knows – it is understandable.
17. Childfree.
If someone does not know – the abandonment of children in favor of personal freedoms, it is the definition. A family has only one goal – the birth and upbringing of children. Well, if a woman to have children is not willing because he wants to have fun, she tightly ipanutaya, so what's going on with her family? Let him have fun without you. However, it may suffice for love. But no more.
18. Businesswoman.
What woman family? The maintenance, housing, protection, children. It all these usually are without a man. And even children. A woman is in a state of extreme stress, internal contradictions. On the one hand, "successful". On the other – nature is not obmanesh, want to give care and affection, and the child is not enough. And regular sex with a partner that knows all of its features, will never replace the occasional mating. No matter what they say about "diversity." Zvizdezh it all. And to be a slut is not all comfortable.
19. Socially unequal.
Choose from their clearing. If you're tough steelworker, you probably won't be the teacher of the University. If you are of average income-the income you don't fit into the heart of a rich heiress. The name you will – Primak. With all the consequences.
If you are a wealthy gentleman, Cinderella is not an option too. The main mistake of men in such cases – it starts to tumble. Driver's license, Malinki-flats. And after some time they get the statement that she just made herself, and a beautiful branched appendages on the head. What do the rich? Nothing to do. Pobyvaete all who want and forget about the family. It is necessary to create a family with a woman whose significance is lower of course, but not so. And it has to grow. And then what... Noseblowing will does not need you, and what you have. All in good time, gentlemen.
20. The eternal student.
These are women who are in high school, straight a student, then the first secondary, second, fifth. And so on indefinitely. She is used to increase self-esteem not by compliments and shags, but due to the position of an intellectual. If she has to take study, it will not be simple to understand why live. Well, it was to be what her family there are children. If they manage, the children are guaranteed to be a fatherless, abandoned by her parents.
So what? There are points with which you agree? And what is complete nonsense? published
Source: morena-morana.livejournal.com/637122.html
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