9 laws of happiness
The laws of happiness the laws of thermodynamics is an integral part of our Universe. We live in a world in which these and many other laws apply regardless of whether we know about them and believe in them.
Submitted 9 laws of happiness, which you can follow or not follow.
1. Inner conviction. If a person is convinced that his desire is feasible, it is executed. If a person internally does not believe that his dream is realizable, it will remain a dream. If you say something like: "Oh, I want to have a house on the ruble and wife, a La Anna Semenovich, but it will never come true, well this is impossible!" really this will never happen. Be sure that you are worthy, know that things will work out and go to your goal.
2. Full readiness. Let's say you want to get a million dollars. Are you sure that you need that million? And why a million? What is required in dollars? You have detailed a plan for spending and investments for each dollar? If there is — are you ready. If you think that the main thing is to get a lot of money, we'll see, she's not ready and unlikely to get.
Let's say you dream about the huge house with pool and garden. Imagine that you received it, for example, you suddenly inherited. And what are you going to do with this house? You know how to contain it so that in a year he has not become covered with moss and dust mound in a swamp? Why do you need all this mass of bedroom, who is going to wash these curtains, as you need to pay for water to pool? If you know you are ready. If not — try to learn all this, to visualize every detail to count all the costs. If you do not, then you are lazy and you really want something else.
3. Intention is desire. To wish you need to turn it into an intention. To do this, remember your feelings when you are going to do some normal action such as tying your shoelaces, change the channel to open the door with the key or turn off the light. These actions you do constantly, you have no doubt in the success that you simply take and do. This is the intention, it triggers the mechanism of action: the hand rises, fingers grabbing, press a button and voila, the channel is switched off! And you did not notice the whole process. Try to feel that intention, thinking about your desire, start the implementation mechanism in your subconscious!
4. Honesty and positivity. Your thoughts, words and deeds determine your outer world. If you are constantly afraid, I think about the bad, discuss the problems and disasters, lie, cause trouble to others, you will get the same answer. If you are honest with yourself and others, if you notice all the good around you, think of pleasant, believe in miracles, are creative — your desires will be fulfilled one by one.
5. Focus. Choose the most important desire, focus, turn it into a intention and realize. If you simultaneously think about the different desires, to doubt the choice, doubting the possibility of execution, it will dissipate all the doubts. Be specific — specify clearly its purpose, describe everything in detail, focus on it. Imagine that the goal is achieved. What is the feeling you have experienced? Remember it and remember every time your thoughts are confused or trying to lead you in any negativity.
6. Courage, passion, courage and perseverance. Very strong emotions that inhibit happiness are fear and shame. People are afraid and ashamed to be rich because "money is evil", "can arrest", "everything will be taken away", "kill for the inheritance"... Afraid to love and be loved, because "it happens", "I will betray", "suffering is inevitable", etc. People are afraid to even be healthy and beautiful because "someone might, out of envy, to hurt, to poison, to put a spell"... And what are you afraid and ashamed of you? Think carefully, find their fears and then turn them off. They just don't need, they didn't save, they just prevent you to be happy and get everything from life. If you want to be happy, act now, do not be afraid, do something! Declaration of love, write a novel, organize an exhibition of his work, throw trash from their balcony! Start your dream path with some steps.
7. Accounting and control. What did you do yesterday? What have you done 17 days ago? How much percent of your money is spent on such nonsense? How much time do you spend watching advertising on TV? How much effort do you spend arguing, punctuation, complaints and gossip? Count. You can very easy to determine what is nonsense and what is important. Ask yourself whether this or that thing to have value five years from now, do you remember all about her? If not — you should not spend money on it. Will direct all these effort, time and money to implement your main intention. Keep a journal, mark each step towards the happiness, even the smallest.
8. Charity. In Russia long since sin was considered a refusal to pay Church tithes. There are similar laws in many ancient cultures of the East and West. If you help others, your subconscious mind feels the abundance that you have confidence in their own success. You are not a victim of circumstances, you are the master of wealth. Remember, you are not obligated to give exactly 10% of their money to the Church or to the poor. You can donate them to children who can buy ink to draw a circle, you can give some of their things to the needy, you can donate blood finally. Create for yourself the option that will give you the greatest pleasure.
9. Knowledge is power. First, people who constantly strive for new knowledge, always keep a sober mind, a strong memory, fluency of mind and the ability to adapt in any conditions. Second, the knowledge, and in particular, special, rare knowledge and skills bring the most money. And the money, of course, allow for many desires. You should know what exactly you want, need to know how it can be obtained, where, what and how you need to take or do, etc. published
Also interesting: 10 morning desires or the art of "want" right
Find out what the TRUE desire behind Your negative emotions
Source: vpa-glubina.com/9-zakonov-schastya
Submitted 9 laws of happiness, which you can follow or not follow.

1. Inner conviction. If a person is convinced that his desire is feasible, it is executed. If a person internally does not believe that his dream is realizable, it will remain a dream. If you say something like: "Oh, I want to have a house on the ruble and wife, a La Anna Semenovich, but it will never come true, well this is impossible!" really this will never happen. Be sure that you are worthy, know that things will work out and go to your goal.
2. Full readiness. Let's say you want to get a million dollars. Are you sure that you need that million? And why a million? What is required in dollars? You have detailed a plan for spending and investments for each dollar? If there is — are you ready. If you think that the main thing is to get a lot of money, we'll see, she's not ready and unlikely to get.
Let's say you dream about the huge house with pool and garden. Imagine that you received it, for example, you suddenly inherited. And what are you going to do with this house? You know how to contain it so that in a year he has not become covered with moss and dust mound in a swamp? Why do you need all this mass of bedroom, who is going to wash these curtains, as you need to pay for water to pool? If you know you are ready. If not — try to learn all this, to visualize every detail to count all the costs. If you do not, then you are lazy and you really want something else.
3. Intention is desire. To wish you need to turn it into an intention. To do this, remember your feelings when you are going to do some normal action such as tying your shoelaces, change the channel to open the door with the key or turn off the light. These actions you do constantly, you have no doubt in the success that you simply take and do. This is the intention, it triggers the mechanism of action: the hand rises, fingers grabbing, press a button and voila, the channel is switched off! And you did not notice the whole process. Try to feel that intention, thinking about your desire, start the implementation mechanism in your subconscious!
4. Honesty and positivity. Your thoughts, words and deeds determine your outer world. If you are constantly afraid, I think about the bad, discuss the problems and disasters, lie, cause trouble to others, you will get the same answer. If you are honest with yourself and others, if you notice all the good around you, think of pleasant, believe in miracles, are creative — your desires will be fulfilled one by one.

5. Focus. Choose the most important desire, focus, turn it into a intention and realize. If you simultaneously think about the different desires, to doubt the choice, doubting the possibility of execution, it will dissipate all the doubts. Be specific — specify clearly its purpose, describe everything in detail, focus on it. Imagine that the goal is achieved. What is the feeling you have experienced? Remember it and remember every time your thoughts are confused or trying to lead you in any negativity.
6. Courage, passion, courage and perseverance. Very strong emotions that inhibit happiness are fear and shame. People are afraid and ashamed to be rich because "money is evil", "can arrest", "everything will be taken away", "kill for the inheritance"... Afraid to love and be loved, because "it happens", "I will betray", "suffering is inevitable", etc. People are afraid to even be healthy and beautiful because "someone might, out of envy, to hurt, to poison, to put a spell"... And what are you afraid and ashamed of you? Think carefully, find their fears and then turn them off. They just don't need, they didn't save, they just prevent you to be happy and get everything from life. If you want to be happy, act now, do not be afraid, do something! Declaration of love, write a novel, organize an exhibition of his work, throw trash from their balcony! Start your dream path with some steps.
7. Accounting and control. What did you do yesterday? What have you done 17 days ago? How much percent of your money is spent on such nonsense? How much time do you spend watching advertising on TV? How much effort do you spend arguing, punctuation, complaints and gossip? Count. You can very easy to determine what is nonsense and what is important. Ask yourself whether this or that thing to have value five years from now, do you remember all about her? If not — you should not spend money on it. Will direct all these effort, time and money to implement your main intention. Keep a journal, mark each step towards the happiness, even the smallest.
8. Charity. In Russia long since sin was considered a refusal to pay Church tithes. There are similar laws in many ancient cultures of the East and West. If you help others, your subconscious mind feels the abundance that you have confidence in their own success. You are not a victim of circumstances, you are the master of wealth. Remember, you are not obligated to give exactly 10% of their money to the Church or to the poor. You can donate them to children who can buy ink to draw a circle, you can give some of their things to the needy, you can donate blood finally. Create for yourself the option that will give you the greatest pleasure.
9. Knowledge is power. First, people who constantly strive for new knowledge, always keep a sober mind, a strong memory, fluency of mind and the ability to adapt in any conditions. Second, the knowledge, and in particular, special, rare knowledge and skills bring the most money. And the money, of course, allow for many desires. You should know what exactly you want, need to know how it can be obtained, where, what and how you need to take or do, etc. published
Also interesting: 10 morning desires or the art of "want" right
Find out what the TRUE desire behind Your negative emotions
Source: vpa-glubina.com/9-zakonov-schastya