Paramount article! Low back pain and herniated disc — the true causes of pain and other complications
We are not mistaken if we say that low back pain and related pain is one of the most faithful companions of human life.
For this reason one person once said: mankind regarding his involvement in the back pain can be divided into three large groups.
Initial – those who have already been sick.
Second –those who have hurts.
And the third — who else hurts…
Forty eight million nine hundred fifty one thousand five hundred forty seven
And it's hard to argue, only you can add that back pain treat has become quite risky, because they do not know where will please: or neurosurgeon, or to the pawnbroker or to a psychiatrist…
But enough irony, but let's ask ourselves: why, with such undeniable importance of this issue it still never solved? Why are people so painfully and slowly cure their "Condroz" and "hernia» up to the fact that many continue their treatment in the operating room? After all, God knows what kind of disease – some kind of "grandma's chondrosis"!
In fact, what it is time to speak out loud, the problem of back pain is largely artificial. Medical society well trained to understand that any pain, whether it is head, heart or back pain in the majority of cases is a consequence of impaired circulation.
But very little is said about that the blood in our body moving not by one heart, but two! What second heart is skeletal muscle, which, unlike the primary heart move venous blood only, but their value is not lesser.
When muscles contract, they squeeze out the blood, causing it to move in the direction "show" venous valves. When you relax the blood filled. Working as a pump, the muscles provide the body's venous outflow, including from the spinal canal.
It is this misunderstanding of the role of the muscles of the spine in the circulation and their lack of involvement due to the bad effect of the treatment. People can be sick for months, despite scrupulous compliance with the recommendations of their physicians, wherever they are nor treated in Russia, Israel or Canada. The only difference is that the treatment of this category of patients assigned to orthopaedic surgeons, in Russia – by neurologists.
Instead of disperse all the swelling compressing the inclusion of "pump", the violation of which is inevitable due to a protective contraction of the muscles surrounding the damaged disc, doctors are trying to remove edema medication! And that can be compared to, if the finger pinch in the doors, and then treating the blue phalanx of lotions and injections, without opening the door. How effective it is – not necessary to speak..
But this is a huge army of doctors, and it might even seem that a great many pills and injections that they prescribe to their patients, or dictated by hatred to them, or utter indifference…
In reality, doctors do not know how to cope with this disease, proving their helplessness that they themselves sick "chondrosis" not less often than others. And when they exhausted the "treatment" patients are exhausted, they are referred to neurosurgeons.
To the opinion of the person with the knife usually listen to, meet it in a dark alley or in the operating room. Most likely, it is this uncertainty shattered psyche can explain the fact that every twentieth Martyr with the "hernia" agrees on the proposed transaction.
And now get ready for the next statement. The fact that all the statistics of herniotomy can be almost completely reduced to zero. Because the cause of pain and other complications not only in the hernia, how much swelling! A huge number of people go without the surgery, even not with one but with several hernias that also, I note, press and also pull. But pain is something they have not...! They live quietly these people, engage in fun sports…
Think about it, before you get scared, "rabbit" or "sponsor" Willy-nilly on the operating table!
Fifty six million one hundred nineteen thousand four hundred forty nine
When the surgeon removes the hernia, he removes, first of all, "thorn", i.e. a piece of cartilage, which is still able to call around yourself sterile inflammation, and with it all compressive edema. This explains the analgesic effect of the operation.
But what is the need to go to such extremes when you can do otherwise?! Why hurt with a knife healthy tissue, when you can start work of the muscle pump, thereby to optimize the disturbed venous outflow?
And then the hernia will quickly begin to lose their foreign properties due to its natural restructuring. In addition, export with "project" "garbage", we will create favorable conditions for early scarring of the defect in the disk, where this "pain" came out. So, stages of the disease reduced significantly.
Run these processes (believe, welcome the exhausted body!) with the help of simple exercises.Or rather, the amount of sequentially executed physical movements who can teach any circus bear, not to mention the man. The task of the doctor will be only to show these movements, coordinating their efforts with the activity of the disease, and give recommendations on the treatment to patient too did not move and did not undermine "the crust from the wound" treatment-resistant, and therefore more diseased disc.
Then, when the disc is healed, it will be necessary to correctly load a person's strength training, to trained a strong muscles to prevent dangerous displacement of the vertebrae, called the "instability» that naturally appears where the intervertebral discs are flattened. After all, if you leave the "backlash" of the vertebrae are not addressed, they will soon manifest themselves fatigability of the muscles of the spine, crunching and painful "zakazivaem" in it, which together would bear the risk of outbreaks of exacerbations.
And that's when the muscles will be trained, then will not have to do any energy intensive and extremely costly stabilizing surgery, the price of which in private clinics in Israel is close to 30 thousand dollars.
Forty seven million one hundred nine thousand four hundred seventy three
That is what we must teach physicians to no longer designate only harmful medicines and currents, the bringing their patients to the cry of despair. But since this understanding is still there, a huge army of doctors in the world cure this disease as who pleases or is beneficial.
Who is the conductor in this discordant choir? Not hard to guess. It's a network of giant pharmaceutical corporations. This pharmacological octopus, using its financial power, stretched its tentacles everywhere. He was able to buy everything, including the first voice in determining policy in the system of world education and medical education. In their interest, that the doctors were undereducated enough to "treated" with drugs, even what drugs can not be.
And poberezhets here is something to simplify. Knowledge about the importance of the muscular system the blood circulation of the spine has long raised "to the surface". The findings on this fundamental theme, based on laboratory research, were submitted to the academic scientific world is in the middle of the twentieth century.
How would they know the author of these lines, the Clinician who wrote based on them for the thirty years of the practice of a series of popular science books about the spine and its treatment? And I say with full responsibility that these scientific studies are stored under the "cloth". The curricula of medical colleges and universities are deliberately structured to lead students from the truth, forcing them to the fullest use in the practice of pharmacological and surgical treatment with the use of expensive diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.
I am convinced that the topic of back pain as a significant component in the General list of human ills, is being adequately covered. Logically, a statement about a causal role of deep muscles would have to do academic science.
But this did not happen, and is probably one explanation for that – it's too thick swamp into which plunged PhD students due to its polunochnyy dissertations. It's not easy to admit their mistakes, it's hard to part with academic ranks. I am not aware of cases of voluntary renunciation of a degree, so we can assume that a huge army of doctors, nurtured on misconceptions about back pain that would persist with impunity to cause harm to patients, commensurate with the scale of genocide.
That's one of the reasons why children in schools are taught anything but how to preserve their "tree of life". On the contrary, educational institutions have become a real forge of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, injuries of the cervical spine.
From the first years of children's attendance at school is the tree breaking load of backpacks and excessively long training hour. And when, tired of sitting at their desks, the children intuitively find the right solution and begin to prop up the head by hand, they are forbidden to use this support, under the pretext of negligence on its part, instead of to learn to help themselves beautifully, gracefully.
Seventy eight million thirty three thousand two hundred forty nine
And the doctrine is not difficult. In any case, not more complex than those wise formulas of the exact Sciences, which, because of their lack of demand, most after school, forgets. Because not everyone is born Lobachevsky and Mendeleev, and that is obvious. And obviously, that anyone can become a stone around the neck of the state by reason of permanent incapacity for work.
Someone will say that people would rather drink medicine than to deal with them. I do not agree with this statement. But suicide drink the contents of the bottle that says "poison". It all depends on the emphasis of education. They will be placed. Let's not forget that the spine is the backbone and major nerve trunk of the human body. It breaks significantly overshadow a person's life.
What is lacking in the body, if you want something unwholesomeWhat does sweating during sleep
The Holy fathers say that the body is the donkey which we have to reach the celestial city of Jerusalem: if you do not finish feeding him fall, if you overfeed – freak. Therefore it is always necessary to keep the Golden middle. Take care of your body, since you want to convey precious "jug" to the destination.
Personally, I would like to wish the contents of your "jug" was like wine: every year, more valuable.published
Author: Andrew Dolzhenkov
Source: dolgenkov.digitn.ru/?page_id=142
For this reason one person once said: mankind regarding his involvement in the back pain can be divided into three large groups.
Initial – those who have already been sick.
Second –those who have hurts.
And the third — who else hurts…
Forty eight million nine hundred fifty one thousand five hundred forty seven
And it's hard to argue, only you can add that back pain treat has become quite risky, because they do not know where will please: or neurosurgeon, or to the pawnbroker or to a psychiatrist…
But enough irony, but let's ask ourselves: why, with such undeniable importance of this issue it still never solved? Why are people so painfully and slowly cure their "Condroz" and "hernia» up to the fact that many continue their treatment in the operating room? After all, God knows what kind of disease – some kind of "grandma's chondrosis"!
In fact, what it is time to speak out loud, the problem of back pain is largely artificial. Medical society well trained to understand that any pain, whether it is head, heart or back pain in the majority of cases is a consequence of impaired circulation.
But very little is said about that the blood in our body moving not by one heart, but two! What second heart is skeletal muscle, which, unlike the primary heart move venous blood only, but their value is not lesser.
When muscles contract, they squeeze out the blood, causing it to move in the direction "show" venous valves. When you relax the blood filled. Working as a pump, the muscles provide the body's venous outflow, including from the spinal canal.
It is this misunderstanding of the role of the muscles of the spine in the circulation and their lack of involvement due to the bad effect of the treatment. People can be sick for months, despite scrupulous compliance with the recommendations of their physicians, wherever they are nor treated in Russia, Israel or Canada. The only difference is that the treatment of this category of patients assigned to orthopaedic surgeons, in Russia – by neurologists.
Instead of disperse all the swelling compressing the inclusion of "pump", the violation of which is inevitable due to a protective contraction of the muscles surrounding the damaged disc, doctors are trying to remove edema medication! And that can be compared to, if the finger pinch in the doors, and then treating the blue phalanx of lotions and injections, without opening the door. How effective it is – not necessary to speak..
But this is a huge army of doctors, and it might even seem that a great many pills and injections that they prescribe to their patients, or dictated by hatred to them, or utter indifference…
In reality, doctors do not know how to cope with this disease, proving their helplessness that they themselves sick "chondrosis" not less often than others. And when they exhausted the "treatment" patients are exhausted, they are referred to neurosurgeons.
To the opinion of the person with the knife usually listen to, meet it in a dark alley or in the operating room. Most likely, it is this uncertainty shattered psyche can explain the fact that every twentieth Martyr with the "hernia" agrees on the proposed transaction.
And now get ready for the next statement. The fact that all the statistics of herniotomy can be almost completely reduced to zero. Because the cause of pain and other complications not only in the hernia, how much swelling! A huge number of people go without the surgery, even not with one but with several hernias that also, I note, press and also pull. But pain is something they have not...! They live quietly these people, engage in fun sports…
Think about it, before you get scared, "rabbit" or "sponsor" Willy-nilly on the operating table!
Fifty six million one hundred nineteen thousand four hundred forty nine
When the surgeon removes the hernia, he removes, first of all, "thorn", i.e. a piece of cartilage, which is still able to call around yourself sterile inflammation, and with it all compressive edema. This explains the analgesic effect of the operation.
But what is the need to go to such extremes when you can do otherwise?! Why hurt with a knife healthy tissue, when you can start work of the muscle pump, thereby to optimize the disturbed venous outflow?
And then the hernia will quickly begin to lose their foreign properties due to its natural restructuring. In addition, export with "project" "garbage", we will create favorable conditions for early scarring of the defect in the disk, where this "pain" came out. So, stages of the disease reduced significantly.
Run these processes (believe, welcome the exhausted body!) with the help of simple exercises.Or rather, the amount of sequentially executed physical movements who can teach any circus bear, not to mention the man. The task of the doctor will be only to show these movements, coordinating their efforts with the activity of the disease, and give recommendations on the treatment to patient too did not move and did not undermine "the crust from the wound" treatment-resistant, and therefore more diseased disc.
Then, when the disc is healed, it will be necessary to correctly load a person's strength training, to trained a strong muscles to prevent dangerous displacement of the vertebrae, called the "instability» that naturally appears where the intervertebral discs are flattened. After all, if you leave the "backlash" of the vertebrae are not addressed, they will soon manifest themselves fatigability of the muscles of the spine, crunching and painful "zakazivaem" in it, which together would bear the risk of outbreaks of exacerbations.
And that's when the muscles will be trained, then will not have to do any energy intensive and extremely costly stabilizing surgery, the price of which in private clinics in Israel is close to 30 thousand dollars.
Forty seven million one hundred nine thousand four hundred seventy three
That is what we must teach physicians to no longer designate only harmful medicines and currents, the bringing their patients to the cry of despair. But since this understanding is still there, a huge army of doctors in the world cure this disease as who pleases or is beneficial.
Who is the conductor in this discordant choir? Not hard to guess. It's a network of giant pharmaceutical corporations. This pharmacological octopus, using its financial power, stretched its tentacles everywhere. He was able to buy everything, including the first voice in determining policy in the system of world education and medical education. In their interest, that the doctors were undereducated enough to "treated" with drugs, even what drugs can not be.
And poberezhets here is something to simplify. Knowledge about the importance of the muscular system the blood circulation of the spine has long raised "to the surface". The findings on this fundamental theme, based on laboratory research, were submitted to the academic scientific world is in the middle of the twentieth century.
How would they know the author of these lines, the Clinician who wrote based on them for the thirty years of the practice of a series of popular science books about the spine and its treatment? And I say with full responsibility that these scientific studies are stored under the "cloth". The curricula of medical colleges and universities are deliberately structured to lead students from the truth, forcing them to the fullest use in the practice of pharmacological and surgical treatment with the use of expensive diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.
I am convinced that the topic of back pain as a significant component in the General list of human ills, is being adequately covered. Logically, a statement about a causal role of deep muscles would have to do academic science.
But this did not happen, and is probably one explanation for that – it's too thick swamp into which plunged PhD students due to its polunochnyy dissertations. It's not easy to admit their mistakes, it's hard to part with academic ranks. I am not aware of cases of voluntary renunciation of a degree, so we can assume that a huge army of doctors, nurtured on misconceptions about back pain that would persist with impunity to cause harm to patients, commensurate with the scale of genocide.
That's one of the reasons why children in schools are taught anything but how to preserve their "tree of life". On the contrary, educational institutions have become a real forge of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, injuries of the cervical spine.
From the first years of children's attendance at school is the tree breaking load of backpacks and excessively long training hour. And when, tired of sitting at their desks, the children intuitively find the right solution and begin to prop up the head by hand, they are forbidden to use this support, under the pretext of negligence on its part, instead of to learn to help themselves beautifully, gracefully.
Seventy eight million thirty three thousand two hundred forty nine
And the doctrine is not difficult. In any case, not more complex than those wise formulas of the exact Sciences, which, because of their lack of demand, most after school, forgets. Because not everyone is born Lobachevsky and Mendeleev, and that is obvious. And obviously, that anyone can become a stone around the neck of the state by reason of permanent incapacity for work.
Someone will say that people would rather drink medicine than to deal with them. I do not agree with this statement. But suicide drink the contents of the bottle that says "poison". It all depends on the emphasis of education. They will be placed. Let's not forget that the spine is the backbone and major nerve trunk of the human body. It breaks significantly overshadow a person's life.
What is lacking in the body, if you want something unwholesomeWhat does sweating during sleep
The Holy fathers say that the body is the donkey which we have to reach the celestial city of Jerusalem: if you do not finish feeding him fall, if you overfeed – freak. Therefore it is always necessary to keep the Golden middle. Take care of your body, since you want to convey precious "jug" to the destination.
Personally, I would like to wish the contents of your "jug" was like wine: every year, more valuable.published
Author: Andrew Dolzhenkov
Source: dolgenkov.digitn.ru/?page_id=142
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