Pathology of the spine begins to stop
Everyone thinks that when standing person based on the foot. In fact it is not. When standing person relies only on the outer and transverse arches of the foot. The inner part of the foot, not on the surface of the earth, called the arch of the foot. The main function of the ball of the foot providing balance in the vertical position of the torso of the person.
It is no exaggeration to say that the spine begins to stop. The influence of modern civilization – daily contact with the hard surfaces of sidewalks, bad shoes, causing a sprain and displacement of the bones of the foot, resulted in up to 80 % of the population suffer from flat feet.
The flat is divided into longitudinalwhen flattened longitudinal arch of the foot, and lateral – compaction transverse arch of the foot. With the lowering of the transverse arch of the foot the big toe turns inward. Transverse platypodia can be expressed in the presence of the so-called broad foot with thumbs rotated to the outside.
Man was created by nature as a harmonious being, while of great importance is the symmetry of the right and left halves of the body. The slightest irregularity in the symmetry and the spine suffers. The uneven arches of the right and left feet, different leg length, distortion of the pelvis, which must be symmetrical over the vertical position of the torso in space, and formed a compensatory curvature in the direction in the lumbar spine, i.e., gradually formed the scoliosis.
Walking barefoot is the best way to strengthen all of the tissues of the foot. It is especially useful to walk on the sand that mimicked the shape of the sole and arch of the foot. If this is not possible, it is recommended in the morning after waking and in the evening after work to walk around the apartment barefoot.
On the foot there are active points that stimulate the internal organs and tissues of the human body.
If required to stand for long recommended:
Lay leg to leg, middle finger to perform slow circular rotational motion in a counterclockwise direction (according to the type of screwing of the screw) at a point on the inner arch of the foot, as shown in the figure. "Drilling" is carried out for 1-1,5 min, 1-2 min break, repeat 3-6 times.published
A. Sitel, "All about the spine for those over... Freedom of movement without drugs and medicines."
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_11922%2Fall
It is no exaggeration to say that the spine begins to stop. The influence of modern civilization – daily contact with the hard surfaces of sidewalks, bad shoes, causing a sprain and displacement of the bones of the foot, resulted in up to 80 % of the population suffer from flat feet.

The flat is divided into longitudinalwhen flattened longitudinal arch of the foot, and lateral – compaction transverse arch of the foot. With the lowering of the transverse arch of the foot the big toe turns inward. Transverse platypodia can be expressed in the presence of the so-called broad foot with thumbs rotated to the outside.
Man was created by nature as a harmonious being, while of great importance is the symmetry of the right and left halves of the body. The slightest irregularity in the symmetry and the spine suffers. The uneven arches of the right and left feet, different leg length, distortion of the pelvis, which must be symmetrical over the vertical position of the torso in space, and formed a compensatory curvature in the direction in the lumbar spine, i.e., gradually formed the scoliosis.
Walking barefoot is the best way to strengthen all of the tissues of the foot. It is especially useful to walk on the sand that mimicked the shape of the sole and arch of the foot. If this is not possible, it is recommended in the morning after waking and in the evening after work to walk around the apartment barefoot.

On the foot there are active points that stimulate the internal organs and tissues of the human body.
If required to stand for long recommended:
- • change posture approximately every 10 minutes;
- • lean in turn on each leg to the body weight they had alternately;
- • to change the position of the feet is to walk in place, alternately move your feet, transferring weight of body from the heels to the socks.
Lay leg to leg, middle finger to perform slow circular rotational motion in a counterclockwise direction (according to the type of screwing of the screw) at a point on the inner arch of the foot, as shown in the figure. "Drilling" is carried out for 1-1,5 min, 1-2 min break, repeat 3-6 times.published
A. Sitel, "All about the spine for those over... Freedom of movement without drugs and medicines."
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_11922%2Fall