Fascial exercises: 2 exercises that activate the process of self-regulation of the body
The founder of osteopathy Dr. Andrew Taylor still under the basis of life was understood, undisturbed by traffic and the smooth flow of tissue fluids — blood, lymph, intercellular fluid. Only through this can be carried out it is essential to ensure each individual cell with nutrients and oxygen, and not less important the elimination of toxins.
In limiting life flow: congestion in blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries, lymph channels), compression and deficient nutrition of the nerves still saw the Foundation of various diseases.
If the disorder of function of tissues in time to stop the process of increasing violations becomes fully reversible. A significant part of osteopathic philosophy is the ability to activate your own healing power. Every body has natural corrective forces that aim to provide the body with the best possible level of health, if not violated and the smooth flow of tissue fluids.
Stretch the fascial system.
Any single body structure surrounded by a membrane called connective or fascial, tissue (fascia). Fascia is the most important element of the human body.
The following two arbitrary exercises help stretching the entire front and rear of the fascial system and are therefore considered in osteopathy two basic exercises.
The process of stretching the connective tissue affect the entire communication system in our body.
All vessels, peripheral nervous system, every organ individually covered with connective tissue. It enveloped everything, without exception, the body cavity. Other structures are also surrounded by a sheath of connective tissue, each bone — periosteum, each muscle and muscle sheath, and a tendon — tendon sheath.
None of the vessel not directly associated with the cells and exchanges nutrients, waste and information through the layer of connective tissue. It is a drive for many toxins that the body is not able to display independently, as well as a kind of buffer for the acid loads. Here are two exercises to mobilize the connective tissue, which activate the process of self-regulation of the organism.
Exercise for stretching the front of the torso.
Lie on your stomach and place both palms on the floor at chest level. Toes straighten, i.e., the back side of your feet pressed to the floor. Now lean on your hands and slowly lift upper torso until the sternum. Keep the face parallel to the floor, pull the shoulders toward the feet.
Now slowly lift the head, sticking out his chin. Closing your mouth, you will feel the stretching of the fasciae of the neck.
Then continue to raise your upper body. You should feel a pleasant pulling irritation in this area. Throughout the exercise, the navel should not come off the floor, and the lumbar spine should not cause any pain. (If you have problems in the lumbar spine pre-consult with the attending physician). Keep a gap of at least 7 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
Using the "front" stretching strengthens the fascial system of the front part of the body. When performing this exercise, which relieves stress, stretches and drains the entire front trunk area is very important to follow the breath — it should be soft, calm and deep.
Exercise for stretching the back surface of the body.
Walk on all fours. Then like a cat vignette back, possibly curving its arc — at this point you should feel a pleasant, pulling irritation in the upper part of the body. Finishing the exercise, allow yourself to "settle" and compact to fold, and so that the bent leg is turned out under your breast.
These procedures on the system, Katsudzo Niche — treat, cleanse and rejuvenate!Exercises for getting rid of autoimmune diseases
Head tilted as low as possible to the chest. Hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times. Back stretching to enhance the connective tissue of the back side of the body.published
Author: Natalya Simonova
Source: health.wild-mistress.ru/wm/health.nsf/publicall/B7B4D5CFB280DD81C32575FE005E5121
In limiting life flow: congestion in blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries, lymph channels), compression and deficient nutrition of the nerves still saw the Foundation of various diseases.

If the disorder of function of tissues in time to stop the process of increasing violations becomes fully reversible. A significant part of osteopathic philosophy is the ability to activate your own healing power. Every body has natural corrective forces that aim to provide the body with the best possible level of health, if not violated and the smooth flow of tissue fluids.
Stretch the fascial system.
Any single body structure surrounded by a membrane called connective or fascial, tissue (fascia). Fascia is the most important element of the human body.
The following two arbitrary exercises help stretching the entire front and rear of the fascial system and are therefore considered in osteopathy two basic exercises.
The process of stretching the connective tissue affect the entire communication system in our body.
All vessels, peripheral nervous system, every organ individually covered with connective tissue. It enveloped everything, without exception, the body cavity. Other structures are also surrounded by a sheath of connective tissue, each bone — periosteum, each muscle and muscle sheath, and a tendon — tendon sheath.
None of the vessel not directly associated with the cells and exchanges nutrients, waste and information through the layer of connective tissue. It is a drive for many toxins that the body is not able to display independently, as well as a kind of buffer for the acid loads. Here are two exercises to mobilize the connective tissue, which activate the process of self-regulation of the organism.

Exercise for stretching the front of the torso.
Lie on your stomach and place both palms on the floor at chest level. Toes straighten, i.e., the back side of your feet pressed to the floor. Now lean on your hands and slowly lift upper torso until the sternum. Keep the face parallel to the floor, pull the shoulders toward the feet.
Now slowly lift the head, sticking out his chin. Closing your mouth, you will feel the stretching of the fasciae of the neck.
Then continue to raise your upper body. You should feel a pleasant pulling irritation in this area. Throughout the exercise, the navel should not come off the floor, and the lumbar spine should not cause any pain. (If you have problems in the lumbar spine pre-consult with the attending physician). Keep a gap of at least 7 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
Using the "front" stretching strengthens the fascial system of the front part of the body. When performing this exercise, which relieves stress, stretches and drains the entire front trunk area is very important to follow the breath — it should be soft, calm and deep.

Exercise for stretching the back surface of the body.
Walk on all fours. Then like a cat vignette back, possibly curving its arc — at this point you should feel a pleasant, pulling irritation in the upper part of the body. Finishing the exercise, allow yourself to "settle" and compact to fold, and so that the bent leg is turned out under your breast.
These procedures on the system, Katsudzo Niche — treat, cleanse and rejuvenate!Exercises for getting rid of autoimmune diseases
Head tilted as low as possible to the chest. Hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times. Back stretching to enhance the connective tissue of the back side of the body.published
Author: Natalya Simonova
Source: health.wild-mistress.ru/wm/health.nsf/publicall/B7B4D5CFB280DD81C32575FE005E5121
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Fascial gymnastics: 2 exercises that activate the process of self-regulation of the body