Why women in Russia have never had a haircut
For a long time women of all ages and all classes in Russia and in the Moscow state knew the one and only hair – braid. Girls braids adorned with ribbons or kosnica, women closed the povoinik. However, braid was more than just a hairstyle.
Two are better than one
Married women wore one braid. At the bachelorette party podruzhenki howling and crying, that was probably due to jealousy, twisted one braid in two. Exactly two braid was worn by married women in ancient Rus. They were laid as a crown on the head or were tied with ribbon to make it easier to wear a hat. Since joining women marry nobody except husband, of course, never saw her KOs. I wonder what an old maid was strictly forbidden, twisting one braid in two, and they were forbidden to wear the kokoshnik.
Little girls wore the so-called three-beam scythe, symbolizing the Trinity. Spit was located strictly in the direction of the spine, as, in the opinion of our ancestors, served to fill the person through the range of life forces. Not by chance married women wore two braids: one braid had a life of her and the other offspring.
Read on the spit
KOs was not just a hairstyle. She could tell a lot about its owner. So, if a girl wore one braid, she was in "active search".
In KOs town there tape? The girl of marriageable age, and all potential candidates there is an urgent need to send matchmakers to her. If in KOs town there were two tapes, and woven, they were not from the beginning of the spit, and from its middle – all "dry the oars," or, as they say, who did not, that was late: the girl appeared the groom. And not just the one that the eyes but in perekladki plays, and the official, because of the tape meant and even your parents blessing to the marriage.
Sacred ritual
Combing hair was like a Holy ritual, because during the procedure it was possible to touch the life energy of the person. Apparently, with the aim of restoring lost per day of vitality and needed to run a comb through his hair at least forty times. The kids could comb their hair, only parents, and then the man himself was doing this daily procedure. Interestingly, the girl did manage to untangle her braid and comb the hair only to their partner or husband.
A symbol of honor
For women the scythe was as much a symbol of honor for men – beard. Pull the braid meant to insult the girl, not to mention how to cut hair. One gentleman in a rage cut off the thin tail her maid, and then stilled his indignant peasants, and even the fine is paid. By the way, those who dared to thwart, for example, headgear with women, too, were punished with severe penalties. Only fines, it seems, was not on the mend morale of the victim and to the state Treasury.
To change lives
That's cutting hair radically changes the life, it seems, knew in the old days. Hence, surviving the belief that pregnant women are highly undesirable to cut hair. Voluntarily, and sometimes with awe, was allowed to cut her hair only women who are in a state of extreme emotional turmoil, such as when a monk's tonsure. The hair in Ancient Russia did not have the habit to cut, and this custom has been preserved in modern monasteries.
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Feminine wiles
A braid as thick as an arm was considered a standard of female beauty in Russia. Healthy and shiny hair is better than the flattering words of matchmakers could say about his future wife. Unfortunately, not all beauties could boast of thick long braids. On capacity, it is clear that in Russia and never heard of. Here and ladies resorted to deception is woven into their braids of hair from horse tails. What to do get married something everyone wants! published
Source: russian7.ru/post/pochemu-zhenshhiny-na-rusi-nikogda-ne-stri/

Two are better than one
Married women wore one braid. At the bachelorette party podruzhenki howling and crying, that was probably due to jealousy, twisted one braid in two. Exactly two braid was worn by married women in ancient Rus. They were laid as a crown on the head or were tied with ribbon to make it easier to wear a hat. Since joining women marry nobody except husband, of course, never saw her KOs. I wonder what an old maid was strictly forbidden, twisting one braid in two, and they were forbidden to wear the kokoshnik.
Little girls wore the so-called three-beam scythe, symbolizing the Trinity. Spit was located strictly in the direction of the spine, as, in the opinion of our ancestors, served to fill the person through the range of life forces. Not by chance married women wore two braids: one braid had a life of her and the other offspring.
Read on the spit
KOs was not just a hairstyle. She could tell a lot about its owner. So, if a girl wore one braid, she was in "active search".
In KOs town there tape? The girl of marriageable age, and all potential candidates there is an urgent need to send matchmakers to her. If in KOs town there were two tapes, and woven, they were not from the beginning of the spit, and from its middle – all "dry the oars," or, as they say, who did not, that was late: the girl appeared the groom. And not just the one that the eyes but in perekladki plays, and the official, because of the tape meant and even your parents blessing to the marriage.
Sacred ritual
Combing hair was like a Holy ritual, because during the procedure it was possible to touch the life energy of the person. Apparently, with the aim of restoring lost per day of vitality and needed to run a comb through his hair at least forty times. The kids could comb their hair, only parents, and then the man himself was doing this daily procedure. Interestingly, the girl did manage to untangle her braid and comb the hair only to their partner or husband.
A symbol of honor
For women the scythe was as much a symbol of honor for men – beard. Pull the braid meant to insult the girl, not to mention how to cut hair. One gentleman in a rage cut off the thin tail her maid, and then stilled his indignant peasants, and even the fine is paid. By the way, those who dared to thwart, for example, headgear with women, too, were punished with severe penalties. Only fines, it seems, was not on the mend morale of the victim and to the state Treasury.

To change lives
That's cutting hair radically changes the life, it seems, knew in the old days. Hence, surviving the belief that pregnant women are highly undesirable to cut hair. Voluntarily, and sometimes with awe, was allowed to cut her hair only women who are in a state of extreme emotional turmoil, such as when a monk's tonsure. The hair in Ancient Russia did not have the habit to cut, and this custom has been preserved in modern monasteries.
About the traps of online Dating sites
10 signs that you are happy alone
Feminine wiles
A braid as thick as an arm was considered a standard of female beauty in Russia. Healthy and shiny hair is better than the flattering words of matchmakers could say about his future wife. Unfortunately, not all beauties could boast of thick long braids. On capacity, it is clear that in Russia and never heard of. Here and ladies resorted to deception is woven into their braids of hair from horse tails. What to do get married something everyone wants! published
Source: russian7.ru/post/pochemu-zhenshhiny-na-rusi-nikogda-ne-stri/