29 the wise Indian sayings
India is a great country with long history and rich culture. Probably in no other country generated so many sages, philosophers and educators...
Unlike Western countries, where in the first place are the external achievements, the people of India have directed all their strength and energy to knowledge itself. This is a real spiritual laboratory, where for centuries studied the mystery of life, inner world and subtle human soul.
We have gathered for you 29 inspirational sayings wise Indian people. There is something to think about!
The universe still is afraid of you or dream of...10 signs that you are happy alone
Source: mirkrasoty.life/29-mudryx-indijskix-vyskazyvanij/
Unlike Western countries, where in the first place are the external achievements, the people of India have directed all their strength and energy to knowledge itself. This is a real spiritual laboratory, where for centuries studied the mystery of life, inner world and subtle human soul.
We have gathered for you 29 inspirational sayings wise Indian people. There is something to think about!

- If someone betrays you once, it his fault. If someone betrays you twice it is your fault.
- Learn from the mistakes of others. It is impossible to live long enough to experience them all for yourself.
- Great minds discuss ideas. Average discuss events. Small — people.
- Be attentive to guest — even if he is your enemy. Even a lumberjack with an ax the tree does not deny shade.
- It was not, and no person, worthy only of condemnation or a praise.
- Knowledge hidden in every thing. Once the world was a library.
- To give advice to the fool — just to annoy him.
- A person who lives for others, even a very short life filled with happiness.
- Grieving is comforted past, demented future, intelligent — real.
- Happiness itself is the road to a strong spirit.
- The child is a guest in your house. Feed, learn and let go.
- Do not brag going to go and boast on the way back.
- Women scientists from nature, men from books.
- To conquer yourself is the best way to not be defeated.
- Joy is full of peace for him who looks on all, without hostility and prejudice.
- If you can't avoid danger, what's the point of cowardice, which still will not protect you?
- The truth is what people believe.
- If you are wise, do not contradict the wealthy, ruler, child, man, ascetic, sage, woman, fool and teacher.
- To manage yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart.
- The woman shines, the whole house shines, the woman is dark — the whole house is plunged into darkness.
- You can catch a tiger in a thicket, the bird in the sky, the fish in the deep water, but you can't catch the fickle heart of a woman.
- When it is necessary to give advice to others, each is a fount of wisdom. When it is necessary to follow these tips, you and sage are not smarter than the fool.

- No visible trace of birds in the air and fish in the water — such is the path of the virtuous.
- The decoration of the human wisdom, the ornament of wisdom, tranquility, decoration peace — courage, bravery decoration, the softness.
- Reasonable estimates for your own judgment, fool trusts a rumor.
- Resentment write in the sand, carve kindness in marble.
- The hardest thing to climb to the top of the ladder is to get through the crowd at its base.
The universe still is afraid of you or dream of...10 signs that you are happy alone
- Fool fuss full swing, having started nothing; the smart remains calm, taking up a great cause.
- We are not able to change the duration of their lives, but we can do something in respect of its breadth and depth.published
Source: mirkrasoty.life/29-mudryx-indijskix-vyskazyvanij/