Pictures of everyday life in the United States
I represent to your attention another selection of interesting pictures of everyday life people of different countries, this time go to the United States. Previously we virtually watched the lives of people in poor countries, it's time to visit the well-fed America.
The size of the US is 9.5 million km2 (4th place in the world) and a population of 325 million people (2015, grade a; 3-e a place in the world). The US have a Federal form of device, administratively divided into 50 States and the district of Columbia, under them is also a number of island territories. The capital city is Washington. People in the US are called Americans, but to the United States is the common name of America. The United States border to the North by Canada, on the South by Mexico, also have a Maritime border with Russia. By the Pacific ocean to the West, the Atlantic ocean to the East and the Arctic ocean in the North.
These pictures were taken by different photographers in different States, most in December 2016 in new York.
The size of the US is 9.5 million km2 (4th place in the world) and a population of 325 million people (2015, grade a; 3-e a place in the world). The US have a Federal form of device, administratively divided into 50 States and the district of Columbia, under them is also a number of island territories. The capital city is Washington. People in the US are called Americans, but to the United States is the common name of America. The United States border to the North by Canada, on the South by Mexico, also have a Maritime border with Russia. By the Pacific ocean to the West, the Atlantic ocean to the East and the Arctic ocean in the North.
These pictures were taken by different photographers in different States, most in December 2016 in new York.