3 powerful rules for the New year
In the past year I unbeknownst to herself, has developed three new rules, which were used every day. I am pleased to share with you. It helped and improved my life. Enjoy!
Rule one: give Thanks
I often see around me how people devalue what they gave. No matter what the attention, thing, money, relationships, act. In fact, we never know what kind of power is to give people another something. Sometimes it's the last resources. You never know what was bought and chosen for you "not the gift."
How hard some people hug each other and say kind words. Believe in sincerity and thank sincerely for the great jewel. You never know what is behind the scenes. Like crying people whose efforts were not appreciated. Shame them that have not guessed I am not pleased. We do not owe, and therefore each good step in our direction is the greatest wealth.
The second rule is to choose the distance
I was the person to whom it is easier to end the relationship than inside of them to build boundaries, to say no or to move away. I was so hurt, so scared, I felt so powerless, that they prefer to escape and then to mourn tears and to cope with the pain.
Now I know what the correct distance. With some people it is possible yourself long and fruitful deal if to move away.
Tools greater distance:
Many relationships can exist for years on the more distant and cool race than we used to. Distancing, and you don't have to resort to conflict, secret annoyance or sabotage in order to relieve tension.
The third rule: act like you love
To my groups often have people who don't believe in their love. They shy away from compliments, hugs, gifts, assistance and any attention. They are not to blame, it is difficult, but by others their behavior is avoidant and distant. This behavior is called "counter-dependence".
More than anything, in this case, we may want a good, warm relationships with others, and behave as if we don't need anyone.
If you "play" what you love for a minute imagining their own people more secure you will become more warm and open. Try to respond to all of that role and not familiar. You will start to offer themselves, to accept others and relatively easy to survive failures. People around you will feel that you need them, and that you are going to meet. Don't believe? try it!
Tools, new roles:
So, too, sometimes, honestly.
Also interesting: the Art of communication: WHAT we say and HOW we understand
RESENTMENT – the consequence of PRIDE and Inability to communicate
I wish you in the New year to experiment with these rules, and may get happy results.published
Author: Yulia Rubleva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: www.facebook.com/1817479741871706/photos/a.1818796065073407.1073741828.1817479741871706/1895806697372343/?type=3&theater
Rule one: give Thanks
I often see around me how people devalue what they gave. No matter what the attention, thing, money, relationships, act. In fact, we never know what kind of power is to give people another something. Sometimes it's the last resources. You never know what was bought and chosen for you "not the gift."

How hard some people hug each other and say kind words. Believe in sincerity and thank sincerely for the great jewel. You never know what is behind the scenes. Like crying people whose efforts were not appreciated. Shame them that have not guessed I am not pleased. We do not owe, and therefore each good step in our direction is the greatest wealth.
The second rule is to choose the distance
I was the person to whom it is easier to end the relationship than inside of them to build boundaries, to say no or to move away. I was so hurt, so scared, I felt so powerless, that they prefer to escape and then to mourn tears and to cope with the pain.
Now I know what the correct distance. With some people it is possible yourself long and fruitful deal if to move away.
Tools greater distance:
- not very often to chat,
- not so Frank to say,
- choose neutral themes
- not be left alone,
- do not touch,
- to move into a more formal framework.
Many relationships can exist for years on the more distant and cool race than we used to. Distancing, and you don't have to resort to conflict, secret annoyance or sabotage in order to relieve tension.
The third rule: act like you love
To my groups often have people who don't believe in their love. They shy away from compliments, hugs, gifts, assistance and any attention. They are not to blame, it is difficult, but by others their behavior is avoidant and distant. This behavior is called "counter-dependence".
More than anything, in this case, we may want a good, warm relationships with others, and behave as if we don't need anyone.

If you "play" what you love for a minute imagining their own people more secure you will become more warm and open. Try to respond to all of that role and not familiar. You will start to offer themselves, to accept others and relatively easy to survive failures. People around you will feel that you need them, and that you are going to meet. Don't believe? try it!
Tools, new roles:
- to be a little friendlier
- give more feedback
- smile
- dare to look me in the eye
- for suggestions and invitations to respond are not embarrassed by silence and "Yes, coming, I'm happy!",
- to imagine that actually you don't want to get rid of, and want to be with you.
So, too, sometimes, honestly.
Also interesting: the Art of communication: WHAT we say and HOW we understand
RESENTMENT – the consequence of PRIDE and Inability to communicate
I wish you in the New year to experiment with these rules, and may get happy results.published
Author: Yulia Rubleva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: www.facebook.com/1817479741871706/photos/a.1818796065073407.1073741828.1817479741871706/1895806697372343/?type=3&theater