And you know what this symbol means on the packaging?
Seven million two hundred four thousand fifty three
Surely you have noticed these signs on the products packages and perhaps wondered what they mean. It turns out that these symbols are of great importance in the production of quality products. And they are called signs ahser (or Akshara).
The website will tell you what he's talking about this mark, where it can be found and why we need to know.
Ahser (or acser) is a special mark which proves the high quality of the product. Organizations that are allowed to put such signs are carefully tested for quality and compliance with the rules of production of products.
Requirement ahkera is a requirement for the quality of the product and, consequently, the quality of raw materials. Therefore, the line on which it is planned to produce a similar product, is forcibly cleared. So, to eliminate the possibility of getting even the smallest shares of foreign substances (clean production). If the equipment cannot be cleaned, the product can not be produced — or rather, it will not be a corresponding sign.
It is also important to know that the products ahkera is a mandatory benefit for our body.
In accordance with the rules of all food is divided into 3 types: meat, dairy and neutral, called the Parva. By itself, the sign ahsura does not mean hypoallergenic. With the exception of products marked "neutral" in such goods there are no shares of products made from dairy or meat ingredients.
Organizations for the production and certification of products ahser there are many. The most common sign is U or OU (Orthodox Union). It can be found on Coca-Cola, Nestle, Jim Beam, Heinz, and other goods. To which type the product belongs to, specifies a small letter on the right side of the sign:
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According to the materials koshercertification
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via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/20-umnyh-upakovok-885160/
Surely you have noticed these signs on the products packages and perhaps wondered what they mean. It turns out that these symbols are of great importance in the production of quality products. And they are called signs ahser (or Akshara).
The website will tell you what he's talking about this mark, where it can be found and why we need to know.
Ahser (or acser) is a special mark which proves the high quality of the product. Organizations that are allowed to put such signs are carefully tested for quality and compliance with the rules of production of products.

Requirement ahkera is a requirement for the quality of the product and, consequently, the quality of raw materials. Therefore, the line on which it is planned to produce a similar product, is forcibly cleared. So, to eliminate the possibility of getting even the smallest shares of foreign substances (clean production). If the equipment cannot be cleaned, the product can not be produced — or rather, it will not be a corresponding sign.
It is also important to know that the products ahkera is a mandatory benefit for our body.

In accordance with the rules of all food is divided into 3 types: meat, dairy and neutral, called the Parva. By itself, the sign ahsura does not mean hypoallergenic. With the exception of products marked "neutral" in such goods there are no shares of products made from dairy or meat ingredients.

Organizations for the production and certification of products ahser there are many. The most common sign is U or OU (Orthodox Union). It can be found on Coca-Cola, Nestle, Jim Beam, Heinz, and other goods. To which type the product belongs to, specifies a small letter on the right side of the sign:
- OU — contains no meat or milk, "neutral" product
- OU-D — dairy product
- OU-M (OU-Glatt) — contains meat or meat ingredients
- OU-F — fish ingredients

- People who are allergic to milk or meat. The product is marked "neutral" can eat and be completely confident in its safety for health.
- Those who are on a diet or actively involved in sports. Products of this type are a great addition to the diet.
- Those who just want to be sure to buy healthy food of the highest quality.
Photos on the preview of nutella
According to the materials koshercertification
See also
What to do if you accidentally broke an item in the store
20 packages of the past which will not pass in the store
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/20-umnyh-upakovok-885160/