If you take life as a gust of wind...
...It goes exactly as it came; it is impossible to hold, impossible for him to grasp.
A gust of wind comes in like a whisper. He does not fuss, does not announce his arrival, he comes silently and quietly, suddenly — it's here!
And so God comes... comes... truth comes... bliss — comes love: all of them are like the whispering wind, without drums and trumpets.
They come suddenly, even without appointing meetings, without even asking you permission to enter. Just like a gust of wind: a moment ago it was not, at this moment he is here.
And one more thing: it goes exactly as it came; it is impossible to hold, impossible for him to grasp.
Enjoy it while he's with you, and when he leaves, then release. Be thankful he came. Don't Harbor grudges, don't complain. If it did not, it no longer exists — nothing to do with it.
But we all try to cling to.
When it comes to love, we are happy, but when she leaves, we are very sorry.
It's a very unconsciously, ungrateful... Misunderstanding.
Remember: love is gone exactly the same way you came in. She didn't ask permission before you come... why now her to ask permission to disappear? She was a gift to the beyond, a mysterious gift, and equally mysteriously to disappear.
14 films that touched deeplyJust read...
If we take life like a gust of wind, there will be no desire clinging, no attachment — obsession. Man is simply left open, and whatever happens, all is well.published
© Osho
Source: www.transurfing-real.ru/2016/12/blog-post_18.html
A gust of wind comes in like a whisper. He does not fuss, does not announce his arrival, he comes silently and quietly, suddenly — it's here!
And so God comes... comes... truth comes... bliss — comes love: all of them are like the whispering wind, without drums and trumpets.
They come suddenly, even without appointing meetings, without even asking you permission to enter. Just like a gust of wind: a moment ago it was not, at this moment he is here.

And one more thing: it goes exactly as it came; it is impossible to hold, impossible for him to grasp.
Enjoy it while he's with you, and when he leaves, then release. Be thankful he came. Don't Harbor grudges, don't complain. If it did not, it no longer exists — nothing to do with it.
But we all try to cling to.
When it comes to love, we are happy, but when she leaves, we are very sorry.
It's a very unconsciously, ungrateful... Misunderstanding.
Remember: love is gone exactly the same way you came in. She didn't ask permission before you come... why now her to ask permission to disappear? She was a gift to the beyond, a mysterious gift, and equally mysteriously to disappear.
14 films that touched deeplyJust read...
If we take life like a gust of wind, there will be no desire clinging, no attachment — obsession. Man is simply left open, and whatever happens, all is well.published
© Osho
Source: www.transurfing-real.ru/2016/12/blog-post_18.html
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