Letter Exupery to the mother, which touches the depths of your soul

This letter was written by the author of "the Little Prince" — Antoine de Saint-exupéry — in the distant 1922. Then a future writer, and while a young military pilot, was serving away from home. Letters to friends were for him a real outlet in hard service. Among them special place is occupied by the letter writer to my mother — Marie de Boia Fonscolombe.
I read your yesterday's letter, filled with such tenderness. Mommy, how I wish to be near you now. As much as I wanted to let you know, how every day I'm learning to love you more. I wrote in the last days, but now we have so much work to do!
The evening is quiet and calm, and I am sad, it is not clear why. This experience in the Avor stretches tedious and long. I really need a rest cure in Saint-Maurice and your presence.
How could I make you cry? When I think about it, I'm so unhappy.
What are you doing, mom? Whether you write picture?.. Answer me. Your letters help me live, they bring freshness. Mommy, where do you get such beautiful words? Go under their impression the whole day.
I need you as much as in childhood. Chief, military discipline, tactics lessons — what is dry, what callousness! I imagine that you are fixing the flowers in the living room, and I hate the elders.
I've made you doubt my love. But still if you knew about it now.
You are the best thing in my life. I yearn today for the boy. Just think — you go there and talk, and we could be together, but I am deprived of your tenderness and I can't be your support.
However, I am sad to tears this evening. And true that you are the only consolation when I am sad. When, as a boy, I came back with a big bag on his back, sobbing because I was being punished — remember, in Mansa, — had only you to kiss me, as I forgot. You were all-powerful protection from teachers and monks of the guards. In your house I was safe, and I didn't have anyone but you. It was so good.
And now it's still only you I can find shelter, only you know everything, only you make me forget about everything and, wittingly or unwittingly, to once again feel like a little boy.
Goodbye, mother. I have work above your head... Here, as in Saint-Maurice, a frog croaking, but here they croak much worse!
Tomorrow I will fly thirty miles in your direction, Saint-Maurice to imagine that I was in fact heading home.
I kiss you gently. Your adult son Antoine".
The Source Le Huffingtonpost
Translation Adme.ru
Photos on the preview antoinedesaintexupery
See also
30 quotations with life experience from Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Unknown prayer of authorship Exupery
15 tips in a difficult moment from Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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