Baby, fix your face

Children quickly learn that if you make unhappy or miserable person, good parents immediately rush to help or pity. Convenient! However, smart parents who have learned this a manipulative trick to understand, respond simply: "Fix your face!" And, what do you think the results? — Here are excerpts from the reports of my students.


The son reads the story with demonstrative reluctance and boredom. I said that it will be reread until, when read cheerfully, with expression and interest. Helped, read with the third or fourth time.

The daughter came to the Breakfast table with a disturbed look, as if she doesn't like something; I said that she corrected the person happy, force a smile, or go to the corner. Helped, immediately face straightened and smiled.

Daughter in the store dropped the dummy and then upset, to not be abused. I walked over and said that if she will get upset, then I will punish you. She smiled and told me what happened. I said that she promised that more so will not do.


HAPPINESS is a side effect of normal life

Maternity capital


Once home, the daughter was upset again — just like that. I told her to face trimmed, otherwise Papa will be angry, but then the mother interfered and told me to behind the child. Children's behavior very much depends on the location and surrounding: mom they have more credibility because they live with it.published


Author: Nikolay Kozlov





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