Dr. Komarovsky has told, what age can allow children to play on the tablet

In the modern world, surrounded by phones, tablets and other devices, all the parents ask the important question: when you allow children to use the gadgets? For now, there are even computer games for kids.
The website proposes to listen to the advice of Dr. Komarovsky on how technical progress can affect the development of your child.
If the child is using gadgets before starting to learn the basics of life, most likely, it can affect the psyche, disrupt the coordination of movements, lead to injuries, etc. the Child sees how the ball rolls and then falls into the river. In real life, the child will be upset and maybe even cry. And when it happened on screen, the child does not understand that the ball is gone forever.
When you need to run, jump, jumping, results in a propulsion system, grow lungs, heart, blood vessels and learn to adapt to a constantly changing physical activity, the child sits and stares at the flickering screen. Where this will lead, nobody knows. You and your children — hostages of a Grand experiment.

As a doctor I am totally against computer games until the age of two. There is a standard rule that parents are insanely difficult to follow: don't more than two hours of "screen" time per day.
Remember: the mother as an educational game is much better. The Pope, who, along with the child builds with blocks house a thousand times cooler than any gadget. But is easier for parents to bury year-old child in cartoons, and to relax. This is wrong. In the end, you willingly have kids, now let's work on them.
The world is so programmed that all children copy the behavior of adults. And when a child from morning till night sees parents utknuvshis in gadgets, it will grow the same. And mom and dad then wonder why the child sees the bad, not eating, not drinking, just playing games and he's not interested in anything. And where did he learn this?
Source Komarovskiy
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