10 personal characteristics that in fact you have inherited from parents

You have brown eyes like mum, and long legs like daddy. It is not surprising! After all, we have inherited two copies of the gene from each parent. What else, in addition to external signs, inherited from ancestors?
The website examined the latest research on genetics and found amazing facts. Here is what can be transmitted to us by inheritance...
1. High cholesterol

Many people believe that high cholesterol is associated with food. Want to live happily ever after? Eat fruits and vegetables and move more often.
But sometimes high cholesterol is not dependent on lifestyle and nutrition, and gets inherited. 1 out of 500 people has a particular genetic mutation. It leads to the fact that people do not learn the cholesterol and it accumulates in the blood. Such people will have high cholesterol even on a vegan diet.
2. Male pattern baldness from mother

One of the genes that play a role in baldness, is found on the X chromosome. Men inherit it from their mothers. But do not rush to blame mom and all her relatives in the thinning hair on top. There are other genes involved in baldness, including those inherited from his father. In addition, its role in hair loss play and environmental factors.
3. The academic performance

When the mother rebukes the child for the two, indicating that she was a good student, she's kind of right. School performance on 55 % depends on heredity. Responsible for the academic success of thousands of genes at once. So if your parents showed uncommon intelligence in the school years, you also have all the preconditions for this.
4. Love for coffee

Do you drink much coffee? Blame the genes! The researchers compared people who can't live without coffee, and those who can live without it. It turned out that the second is a special gene, because of which the absorption of caffeine is slower. That's why they do not need to regularly drinking coffee to be more energetic.
5. Diabetes type Mature young

The diagnosis "type 2 diabetes" usually put people of Mature age. But it happens that even children and teenagers with an active lifestyle have symptoms of this disease. Among physicians this condition is called "diabetes type Mature young". He appears in the result of the same genetic mutation, although improper nutrition also plays a negative role.
6. Colorblindness from his mother

The inability to distinguish certain colors most often is hereditary. The gene affecting color blindness, goes to sons from mothers. It turns out that suffer from color blindness in men. This is due to the fact that they have a defect only in the maternal X chromosome is not kompensiruet and women in this case have a "spare" X-chromosome from the father.
7. Lactose intolerance

Surprisingly, 65 % of adults may have reduced ability to digest lactose (milk sugar). Blame the particular gene. While the child is small and it is necessary for the survival of the milk, the body produces an enzyme to digest lactose. With age, the ability to digest dairy decreases. Only part of the people in the world have a gene for lactose tolerance, which means that any age can digest milk without the unpleasant consequences.
8. Driving

What we suspected, scientists have confirmed: driving a car is not given to everyone. You can learn the road rules and to pass on the right, but if you have specific changes in genes that affect the orientation in space, reaction speed and memory, driving is contraindicated for you. You will be to distracted driving and more likely to get into accidents. By the way, scientists say that these changes in genes in 30% of people.
9. Nearsightedness (myopia)

The predisposition to nearsightedness is inherited. If both parents suffer from the disease, the risk of developing myopia in a child is 50 %.
However, scientists believe that we can not all be blamed on genetics. Spend less time at the computer, avoid eye strain, then the risk of myopia will be significantly lower.
10. Popularity

It sounds impossible, but the secret of man is hidden in the genes! As a result of long and painstaking research this is the conclusion reached by scientists of Harvard. They believe that at the dawn of evolution the people who possessed valuable information about food sources and danger, was at the center of their social group. Their genes they passed to their descendants. The heirs of these genes popular among their peers, and they want to be friends. Why is this happening? Find out in the future, because research is ongoing.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
According to the materials of prevention, colourblindawareness,
aoa, nature, theguardian, sciencedaily,
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