20 products that will bring maximum benefit if you eat them together

These products are good in and of themselves, but when eaten in tandem, they help us to absorb the contained nutrients more efficiently.
Following the advice of nutritionists, the Website lists the combinations of products that seem made for each other.
Apples and dark chocolate

This combination can not be called traditional, but its worth a try, because the enzyme catechin, contained in apples and the antioxidant quercetin together do wonders: enhance immunity, stimulate brain activity, improve the heart and blood vessels and reduce the risk of cancer.
Oatmeal and freshly squeezed orange juice

Oatmeal and orange juice are a great source of phenols. This means that they improve the digestive system and help excrete toxins.
Pork and Brussels sprouts

Pork is too fatty to eat on a daily basis. However, this meat contains selenium, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Serve pork with Brussels sprouts — it is an organic substance sulforaphane, which increases the effectiveness of selenium in 13 times.
Tomatoes and liver

The lack of iron in the body can lead to malaise, chronic fatigue, lowered metabolism rate and problems with heart and blood vessels. But the iron contained in the liver is well absorbed only in conjunction with vitamin C, and then come to the aid of the tomatoes as they contain ascorbic acid.
Parsley and lemon

Parsley goes well with citrus. The iron contained in the greens helps the vitamin C better absorbed into the bloodstream. This important vitamin is responsible for a strong immune system and good metabolism.
Vegetables and yogurt

Choose natural yoghurt without dyes, preservatives and sugar. It has a lot of calcium and it improves the stomach and normalizes intestinal microflora. It is necessary to add in it vegetables, for example carrot or celery and you get a dish, rich yet and a bunch of vitamins. And fiber contained in vegetables helps the calcium be absorbed better.
Avocado and spinach

This is my favorite couple of all dietitians in spinach contains vitamin a and lutein, but they significantly influenced the state of our body, we need a useful vegetable fats contained in avocados. And then the effect is guaranteed — the digestive system will improve dramatically.
Green tea and lemon

Green tea with lemon is a wonderful thirst quencher and gives us energy. In green tea contains cajetina, which are responsible for the longevity and strong immunity. But if you add a lemon, vitamin C will increase this effect several times.
Tomatoes and olive oil

The fact that this is a very tasty combination, you confirm every Italian. It should be noted that residents of Italy rarely suffer from cardiovascular disease, and this is the explanation. Lycopene, contained in tomatoes, improves heart and blood vessels, prevents atherosclerosis and malignant tumors. And in combination with fats, it is absorbed by the body much better than without them.
Meat and rosemary

Meat is an important source of protein, but it is important to prepare correctly. Nutritionists categorical: only cooking or braising. If the meat is baked or fried, this can lead to the formation of carcinogenic compounds. But this undesirable effect can be avoided if correctly to prepare the meat — pickling it, add the rosemary. It is useful in itself, but the antioxidants that it contains, prevent the formation of harmful substances, until the meat is cooked in the oven.
Source kitchenmag.ru
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