14 comics on the contradictory relation of the heart and mind
Seventy eight million eight hundred eighty five thousand four
Heart and mind — are they always together? This is a question many, including American designer and cartoonist nick Salaca.
We are in Site long laughed at its seemingly simple comics that actually reflect the real situation.
Source theawkwardyeti
Author Nick Seluk
See also
13 comic about the eternal confrontation between heart and mind
15 accurate comic about what really is this adult life
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/15-metkih-komiksov-o-tom-kakova-na-samom-dele-eta-vzroslaya-zhizn-1366965/
Heart and mind — are they always together? This is a question many, including American designer and cartoonist nick Salaca.
We are in Site long laughed at its seemingly simple comics that actually reflect the real situation.

Source theawkwardyeti
Author Nick Seluk
See also
13 comic about the eternal confrontation between heart and mind
15 accurate comic about what really is this adult life
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/15-metkih-komiksov-o-tom-kakova-na-samom-dele-eta-vzroslaya-zhizn-1366965/
Sex ruins friendship
14 Internet confessions that happiness of the wife is the key to a strong family