14 Internet confessions that happiness of the wife is the key to a strong family
Forty two million seven hundred two thousand two hundred fifty five
To be a good wife is not easy. But if you maintain optimism and a sense of humor, the complexities of family life is not so horrible.
The website found some funny and life of tweets that revealed this pattern: the happier the wife, the happier and her family.
Translation Of The Website
Photo on preview of JUST LINDA
See also
12 online confessions from those who know a lot about family life
20 online confessions of parents who are excited about summer vacation.
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/tvitov-roditelej-kotorye-rady-priblizhayuschimsya-kanikulam-1278365/
To be a good wife is not easy. But if you maintain optimism and a sense of humor, the complexities of family life is not so horrible.
The website found some funny and life of tweets that revealed this pattern: the happier the wife, the happier and her family.

Translation Of The Website
Photo on preview of JUST LINDA
See also
12 online confessions from those who know a lot about family life
20 online confessions of parents who are excited about summer vacation.
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/tvitov-roditelej-kotorye-rady-priblizhayuschimsya-kanikulam-1278365/
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