Pyrolysis boiler Popova: the principle and clear advantage
Space heating in winter is one of the most important tasks that provide comfortable conditions in it. And pyrolysis boiler Popova recently gaining in popularity. Gas boiler offers you the best performance warm-up building and has excellent functionality and practicality in use. However, it is not always possible to use this benefit of civilization, and the prices on it recently reach dizzying heights. These factors served as a starting point for finding other kinds of heating their own homes.
Review of solid fuel boilers and their shortcomings identified in the process of operation devices,Solid fuel boilers are an alternative to units working based on gas burning. A variety of ovens and stoves known to the public of our country for quite some time. Many of us and themselves use such devices to heat their own sheds or garages. As an additional source of heat these devices show their best side. However, their use involves some inconvenience due to the working principle of similar objects. Among them are the following factors:
All these furnaces on the basis of a solid fuel provides a short-term effect of temperature. Further they require constant attention and maintenance of combustion of fuel.
In addition, the efficiency of similar devices has sufficiently low levels, this effect was associated with a large amount of heat contained in the combustion products, and its excretion through the chimney to the outside. All this leads to the fact that a significant portion of heat that could serve for space heating, dissolves in the environment. The flow rate of the fuel material, however, remains considerable, which is absolutely nekonomicon from a material point of view.
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Oven Popova: principle of operation and the apparent advantages ofAlternative to similar devices is the solid-fuel boiler Popov, based on the effect of the pyrolysis. What does it mean? The design of the combustion chamber of this device is made almost sealed, i.e. access of oxygen to it is strictly limited. For anybody not a secret that for a good combustion process needs oxygen, otherwise it's just not going to happen.
Based on this factor, the minimum air inlet to the combustion chamber is still provided. But the amount is so insignificant that complete combustion never occurs. Instead, it is the process of slow decay of the solid fuel. Heat transfer has a much lower performance than with the full combustion of the materials. But due to its construction, this difference is virtually imperceptible.
Oven Popov contains a secret embedded in its design. It consists in the re-combustion of exhaust gases. What does it mean? In the process of slow istibanja wood, which is the main fuel element used in this furnace, a significant amount of smoke, which contains in this case a certain amount of unspent fuel. He is redirected to the next compartment, where it undergoes a secondary use.
As a result of this process is partial combustion and increasing the heat transfer of the entire device. The remains of the twice reprocessed fuel are ejected through the chimney. Ultimately, Popova oven gives excellent characteristics with a relatively small consumption of solid fuel. All these factors allow to allocate and structure the advantages of this device before other similar devices. They look as follows and in the best possible way characterize the quality of this furnace:
The above qualities made oven Popova one of the most functional solid fuel devices available today. Its heat transfer characteristics and a relatively small consumption of wood allow us to speak about the best qualities of this device.
Pyrolysis furnace Popov with his own hands: the main componentswith regard to devices similar to ovens, it is fairly simple. This is one of her main secrets that allows you to collect the oven Popov with his hands. Schematic diagram this device contains a clear drawing, in which its creation can be carried out promptly.
This furnace consists of the following parts, which together form a unique functional product characterized by high qualities of heat production and distribution. Looks like a set of parts from which formed the furnace itself, as follows:
A sturdy base is the lower part of the chamber for primary combustion, which is directly loaded into solid fuel.
Is it usually of thick-walled metal having maximum strength characteristics. The top of the base recreates itself the combustion chamber. It does not differ from the structures of any other similar devices, except for the withdrawal of exhaust gases, which are not in the chimney, and camera recycling, located on a level above the primary compartment. There it is processed, and its remains are vented to the atmosphere through a chimney. published
Source: sdelaypechi.ru/drugie/piroliznyj-kotel-popova.html

Review of solid fuel boilers and their shortcomings identified in the process of operation devices,Solid fuel boilers are an alternative to units working based on gas burning. A variety of ovens and stoves known to the public of our country for quite some time. Many of us and themselves use such devices to heat their own sheds or garages. As an additional source of heat these devices show their best side. However, their use involves some inconvenience due to the working principle of similar objects. Among them are the following factors:
All these furnaces on the basis of a solid fuel provides a short-term effect of temperature. Further they require constant attention and maintenance of combustion of fuel.
In addition, the efficiency of similar devices has sufficiently low levels, this effect was associated with a large amount of heat contained in the combustion products, and its excretion through the chimney to the outside. All this leads to the fact that a significant portion of heat that could serve for space heating, dissolves in the environment. The flow rate of the fuel material, however, remains considerable, which is absolutely nekonomicon from a material point of view.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement .
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Oven Popova: principle of operation and the apparent advantages ofAlternative to similar devices is the solid-fuel boiler Popov, based on the effect of the pyrolysis. What does it mean? The design of the combustion chamber of this device is made almost sealed, i.e. access of oxygen to it is strictly limited. For anybody not a secret that for a good combustion process needs oxygen, otherwise it's just not going to happen.
Based on this factor, the minimum air inlet to the combustion chamber is still provided. But the amount is so insignificant that complete combustion never occurs. Instead, it is the process of slow decay of the solid fuel. Heat transfer has a much lower performance than with the full combustion of the materials. But due to its construction, this difference is virtually imperceptible.
Oven Popov contains a secret embedded in its design. It consists in the re-combustion of exhaust gases. What does it mean? In the process of slow istibanja wood, which is the main fuel element used in this furnace, a significant amount of smoke, which contains in this case a certain amount of unspent fuel. He is redirected to the next compartment, where it undergoes a secondary use.
As a result of this process is partial combustion and increasing the heat transfer of the entire device. The remains of the twice reprocessed fuel are ejected through the chimney. Ultimately, Popova oven gives excellent characteristics with a relatively small consumption of solid fuel. All these factors allow to allocate and structure the advantages of this device before other similar devices. They look as follows and in the best possible way characterize the quality of this furnace:
The above qualities made oven Popova one of the most functional solid fuel devices available today. Its heat transfer characteristics and a relatively small consumption of wood allow us to speak about the best qualities of this device.

Pyrolysis furnace Popov with his own hands: the main componentswith regard to devices similar to ovens, it is fairly simple. This is one of her main secrets that allows you to collect the oven Popov with his hands. Schematic diagram this device contains a clear drawing, in which its creation can be carried out promptly.
This furnace consists of the following parts, which together form a unique functional product characterized by high qualities of heat production and distribution. Looks like a set of parts from which formed the furnace itself, as follows:
A sturdy base is the lower part of the chamber for primary combustion, which is directly loaded into solid fuel.
Is it usually of thick-walled metal having maximum strength characteristics. The top of the base recreates itself the combustion chamber. It does not differ from the structures of any other similar devices, except for the withdrawal of exhaust gases, which are not in the chimney, and camera recycling, located on a level above the primary compartment. There it is processed, and its remains are vented to the atmosphere through a chimney. published
Source: sdelaypechi.ru/drugie/piroliznyj-kotel-popova.html
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