This task is only one person out of thousands

It would seem that this task is reminiscent of the school equation, but it's not simple: it requires unconventional thinking. In addition, the puzzle has two correct solutions.
The website offers to see if you find at least one of them.

Sit back, take a piece of paper, a pencil, and proceed to the solution. Take your time. The answer may surprise you or lead to confusion.
Are you ready?
And here are the correct answers:
DECISION NO. 1 TO the sum of each equation we add the sum of the previous:
1 + 4 = 5
5 + 2 + 5 = 12
12 + 3 + 6 = 21
21 + 8 + 11 = 40
Thus, we get one of the correct answers 40.
SOLUTION # 2 Use the formula: a + b = a + a(b).
1 + (4 × 1) = 5
2 + (5 × 2) = 12
3 + (6 × 3) = 21
8 + (8 × 11) = 96
So we find another correct answer is 96.
Most people find the second number. And what happened to you?
Source Perfecto
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