A school problem with a catch for those who want to strain the gyrus on a languid winter evening
Sometimes even. solving It can be confusing for parents who didn’t do well in school (or who didn’t do well in math). And it's kind of fun to see them on all sorts of forums where overconfident adults argue with each other hotly, trying to find the right answer.
This is quite surprising, because mathematics is necessary for every modern person, which means that everyone needs to be able to deftly manage numbers. Let's try to solve a couple of problems together. And we'll make sure it's not that hard, and we'll do a little mind-wake-up at the same time.
Peels Solving a Children's Problem
Tips and solutions
We hope we didn’t make any mistakes and your answers match ours. Solve our other examples, and also deal with fascinating problems. Don’t forget to share your answers and comments in the comments.

This is quite surprising, because mathematics is necessary for every modern person, which means that everyone needs to be able to deftly manage numbers. Let's try to solve a couple of problems together. And we'll make sure it's not that hard, and we'll do a little mind-wake-up at the same time.

Peels Solving a Children's Problem
- The first problem seems pretty simple. But if you believe the statistics of search engines, even today, thousands of people search for its solution every month. And a lot of the Internet created where this and other similar problems cause real battles in the comments. Although you just need to find out how much millet will be obtained from 328 kilograms of millet. Moreover, it is known that from 4 kilograms of millet, 3 kilograms of millet are obtained. Can you find the right answer? Keep in mind that the problem can be solved in different ways.
- The second task is for middle school students, and it looks more complicated. Her answer is also actively sought, although it would seem quite easy to think a little and find the right answer yourself. After all, what good is it that a student just rewrites the correct answer from the Internet and then shows the teacher? The conditions indicated that up to 620 g of a 40% salt solution added 180 g of pure water. You need to find out how much percent of the new solution takes salt. And yes, this problem is similar to the previous one, and you can solve it in a similar way.
Tips and solutions
- If you go through one of several solutions, you can first find 328 times more for 4. So 328/4 = 82. That means the number we're looking for is also 82 times more than 3. Therefore, 82 * 3 = 246 kg of millet can be obtained from 328 kg of millet. If you go the other way, we can first find how much millet is obtained from 1 kg of millet. 3/4 = 0.75 kg. And then simply 328 * 0.75 = 246 kg. You can also solve everything with a simple proportion.
Peels - First of all, try to find out how much salt is in the original solution. Since we know that the solution is 40 percent, then 620 * 0.4 = 248 g of salt. When 180 g of pure water was added to the solution, it turned out already 620 + 180 = 800 g of solution, in which the same 248 g of salt are stored. To find out the percentage ratio now, you need 248 / 800 * 100% = 0.31 * 100% = 31%. So we ended up with 800 grams of 31 percent salt.
We hope we didn’t make any mistakes and your answers match ours. Solve our other examples, and also deal with fascinating problems. Don’t forget to share your answers and comments in the comments.
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