5 principles that make the Danish students are the happiest in the world

In 2016, the Denmark has once again named the happiest country in the world. Danish Malin Rydal in the book "Happy like the Danes" talks about the principles on which the Danish welfare.
We at the Website decided to get acquainted with the rules of the Danish school system, which help to develop the personality of each child and help him to find his place in life.
To be the best is not important

The focus of the Danish education system is not training the skill of passing the tests, and the development of curiosity and the ability to self-development.
Schools strive to give each student the confidence that he is appreciated for his own qualities and skills. This means that everyone, regardless of ratings can rely on place in society and the opportunity to be useful, doing what he loved.
Schools programme designed to ensure that most students could easily master it. The result among the Danes almost no people who "drop out" of the education process. The system is designed not for the better but for all.
To be able to be yourself is as important as to be able to read and write

The Danish schooling system primarily aims to educate independent personality. And these are not empty words: in Danish the education act stipulates that primary education should not only give children the basic knowledge and skills but also to develop personality of students. Before preschool institutions (kindergartens and preparatory classes) is several tasks: to expand the child's vocabulary, to acquaint him with the school rules to teach tolerance and prepare for productive lives in society.
Rote learning is not encouraged

In schools students are encouraged to obtain information themselves, to experiment, to analyze the sources.
It is believed that learning is more useful to actively participate in the learning process than just listening to the teacher.
Teach students to doubt the allegations and to develop a personal opinion, thereby fostering in them self-esteem and awareness of themselves as individuals.
Useful for society and sought-after qualities are creativity, critical thinking and initiative, and not the ability to memorize a paragraph from a textbook.
Important not the result, and welfare of the student

If the comparison of education in different countries was carried out solely on the results of final tests, the Danish system was hardly considered one of the best. Meanwhile, Denmark is among the top ten in the ranking of countries by level of education and ranks third in the ranking of national higher education systems in 2016.
In Denmark think it is important that pupils and students enjoyed learning and did not perceive it as an endless suffering, with breaks for the weekend.
Especially for young Danes who are not sure what they want to do, or experience difficulties in socialization, in the Danish educational system postscore (Efterskole). Here teenagers from 14 to 18 years can spend a year before you decide where to go next. In postsale attention is paid to those areas that are not taught in school, so students had more opportunities to develop their talents, creativity, sports, manual labor. Among students adopted mutual aid: a "safe" students support peers who find it difficult to learn or to adapt to society.
Equal opportunity

Only 11 % of the Danes when choosing a job is an important factor a large salary. In Denmark, where citizens pay almost the biggest tax in the world, to strive for the enrichment is not accepted. The profession, chosen for pragmatic reasons, can not meet the real interests and be like — this say more children to school.
To choose a profession that will bring satisfaction, supported by a strong system of career guidance. Special social services helps high school students choose a higher or secondary educational institution which corresponds to their ideas about the future. In high school regularly attend meetings, in which students individually to discuss their plans with the teacher.
Half of young Danes, according to polls, believe that absolutely free to choose your future and are able to control everything.
Malin Rydal calls Denmark a country of "genuine social mobility". This means that all can become successful, regardless of your starting point. This is largely possible due to the fact that education in Denmark is free and subsidized by the government. Students are paid a stipend, which is enough to pay training and in life, regardless of their financial position.
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Photos on the preview luminastock/depositphotos
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