Pop-Up Paradises: lace patterned landscapes Amestoy Manuel (Manuel Ameztoy)

Kilograms and kilometers multicolor lace hanging from the ceiling of the gallery Faena Arts Center in Buenos Aires, this is the original art project of the Argentine designer Manuel Amestoy (Manuel Ameztoy), which thus portrayed natural landscapes and plant motifs that exist in the province of entre Rios, where he was born and spent his childhood. Textile installation called Pop-Up Paradises, a name that demonstrates how the author attached to the country and appreciate the beauty of the Argentine nature.

Lace fabric, fancy curtains adorn the hall of the art gallery, created by hand from a nonwoven fabric.Installation is a huge area of 640 square meters. Such large-scale works and is renowned for Manuel Amestoy, however, he is known as the author of the multi-layered installations of tissue paper, enclosed in transparent acrylic boxes — they formed the basis of his personal exhibitions 2005-2006, held at Galeria Braga Menendez Arte Contemporaneo.

Working with textiles is another facet in the works of the Argentinean artist. A peculiar interpretation of the forest as a colored lace Paradise in a particular confined space is a bold experiment by the artist. Manuel Amestoy attempted to conduct a visual dialogue of an artificial landscape and natural environment, coexisting peacefully on the same territory.
Source: /users/78
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