The heirs of Leonardo da Vinci. Flying bike Flying Bike

In the second half of the twentieth century, people were convinced that in the twenty-first century instead of the usual cars the streets would dissect the car flying. This future of hope has not been realized and are unlikely to be realized in the near future. Moreover, engineers develop a realistic concept not a flying car, soaring through the air bikes. Flying Bike — is one such conceptual vehicles of the future.

Flying Bike, developed by the company Technodat, Evektor and Duratec is a real flying Bicycle. To happen is, by design engineers should be at the expense of horizontal screws, which will be set in motion when the person riding this unusual bike, begin to pedal.
In the end, will work the same principle as when flying helicopters. The movement of the blades will lift the vehicle up. And the presence of several bolts due to the need to keep balance in the air.

Engineers from Technodat, Evektor and Duratec understand how difficult it can be to the cyclist seated on a Flying Bike, to pedal in a single, highly intense pace for a long period of time. So they say that flying bike, in case it occurs, can be used only for short flights lasting no more than five minutes.
Source: /users/78
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