Pop-up hotels

The idea of pop-up restaurants and shops long ago gained popularity. In recent years, institutions of this type are growing like mushrooms after the rain in the resorts and in major cities in the US, Europe and Russia. They appear on the holiday season, festivals and other events to disappear after a certain time.
Places pop-up (shops and restaurants) - a temporary businesses that operate in the most favorable place for themselves in the most advantageous time. The simplest example of a pop-up places - a mobile coffee shop, which moved from place to place during the day. Restaurants and shops of this type does not necessarily have to be ultra-mobile. For example, a tent or a building fabricated, installed for the summer and autumn of demountable, also refers to the pop-up.
Businessmen from the Belgian Royal Botania rightly noted that the format pop-up can be operated not only restaurants and shops, and hotels. They offered to tourists vacationing in the seaside resort of Knokke-Heist (Belgium), the opportunity to stay in pop-up hotel Tender2, located right on the beach.
The two-story building is fabricated is a comfortable apartment with a bedroom, a terrace, a fenced beach area and a beautiful view of the sea. Guests like a rented mansion in the picturesque location of the town of Knokke-Heist, staying in this hotel. Pop-up hotel designed for travelers who plan to eat while relaxing in the restaurants located in the beach area, as well as prepare their own meals in the kitchenette. Administration provides services to residents (the replacement of linen, cleaning) as well as the safety of the mini-hotel.
Pop-up hotels on Russian resorts
Russian businessmen from the resort regions of the country can draw attention to the idea of Belgian colleagues. Offer travelers the opportunity to stay in inexpensive hotels in pop-up, they will be able to compete with traditional database and hostels. Entrepreneurs need to emphasize the main advantages of "pop" hotels, which include:
• Convenient location. Lease land, entrepreneurs will be able to build a temporary hotel almost anywhere.
• Increased level of comfort - stopping in pop-up hotel, tourists do not live in a boarding house room or recreation, but in a separate building, located on a fenced plot of land.
• The optimum ratio of comfort, relaxation and price. The cost of staying in pop-up hotel should not exceed the average price of standard rooms in boarding houses.
To implement this idea, businesses need to resolve the issue of the construction site at the pop-up, choose the best type of pre-fabricated buildings, to ensure the safety and maintenance of the guests, provide marketing of the project and find a way to use the building in the offseason.
• Finding the right place would be almost the main difficulty in the realization of this idea. Businessmen should pay attention to parts of the coastline, traditionally popular among fans of the "wild" holiday. Built in a place like this mini-hotel, entrepreneurs will attract tourists who like to retreat, but can not give up the comfort. For example, this applies to the elderly or families with children.
• To implement the ideas described entrepreneurs need to find a partner - factory engaged in the production, transportation and installation of prefabricated buildings. For example, businesses can use the building block of the containers that are installed without foundation, if necessary, dismantled and transported to a new location.
• Businessmen should resolve the issue of service pop-up guests of the hotel, including the provision of linens, industrial and drinking water, food. Also, they need to ensure the safety of tourists. The staff and guards can be placed in a separate room, tied to a number of pop-up hotels.
• For project marketing businesses need a website with contact information and photo gallery. To create a site, you can use open source CMS, for example, WordPress or Joomla. For website promotion you can use contextual advertising.
• Businessmen need to find a use of prefabricated buildings from the block container for the winter. These buildings are warm enough to stay even in the winter, but hardly tourists want to go to sea at this time. One use - conversion of buildings in the winter in the cafes or shops, which can be installed in the streets of the resort towns. However, businesses should assess the risk of deterioration of block containers, associated with their part of the carriage, and high traffic areas and catering trade.
The above idea is promising due to the newness of the domestic market and the high demand for cheap hotels in resort areas. Businessmen need to find a good place for the construction of pop-up hotels and to the technical side of their operation in order to successfully implement this project.
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