As a man to lose belly
Health professionals have identified a link between fat deposits above and around the waist (which is very typical for men and older women) and heart disease, and hypertension, diabetes, stroke. Also the doctors in the presence of such fat does not rule out an increased risk of developing some cancers. At the University of South Florida in Tampa studies have been conducted that have shown that women suffering from breast cancer, deep abdominal fat deposits are often met forty-five percent in comparison with those who have no such problems. Was also studied a pair of identical twins (the study was conducted at the National Institute lung, heart, blood, USA). It turned out that the brother, who in adulthood has gained excess weight were more prerequisites for the development of cardiovascular diseases.
Men lose weight not as women
When man and woman are the same weight and height provided the same food and the same exercise, the man will be able to quickly lose weight. This is due to the fact that for every kilogram of body weight the man has some more lean tissue, provides fat burning.
Be sensible Severe diet can help you to get rid of big belly, quickly lose pounds. But bear in mind that it will happen mainly due to muscle mass and water. To remove interfering belly you have to lose excessive fat. Most experts suggest using a diet with higher low in saturated fat. The diet should include fresh vegetables, fruits, foods that are rich in starch, for example, whole-wheat bread, brown rice, pasta. But remember that weight gain because of excess calories. From any product, when you eat excessive amounts, can fat.
The truth about low-fat foods If you have to suffer from metabolic which is called insulin resistance, try to be careful with diets based on low fat content. When you replace the calories that give your body the saturated fats (cream, butter, eggs), calories that come from carbs (pasta, isdee, potatoes, rice, low-fat desserts), you can be higher blood sugar levels or risk of heart disease.
Remember: there can not be one right diet for everyone, because not all recover the same. It's not how much fat in your diet and how many calories. To get rid of belly, you should obtain calories from different healthy foods.
Engage in physical exercise
Squats will help to tone up the abdominal muscles. To remove deep fat, will have to strengthen all the muscles of the body. Not prohibited the lifting of dumbbells, strength training, training on simulators, as well as Cycling, running, swimming, enhancing oxygen exchange.
If you belong to the beginners category, just start moving and you will notice that the amount of fat around the waist will steadily decrease.
Source: /users/104

Men lose weight not as women
When man and woman are the same weight and height provided the same food and the same exercise, the man will be able to quickly lose weight. This is due to the fact that for every kilogram of body weight the man has some more lean tissue, provides fat burning.
Be sensible Severe diet can help you to get rid of big belly, quickly lose pounds. But bear in mind that it will happen mainly due to muscle mass and water. To remove interfering belly you have to lose excessive fat. Most experts suggest using a diet with higher low in saturated fat. The diet should include fresh vegetables, fruits, foods that are rich in starch, for example, whole-wheat bread, brown rice, pasta. But remember that weight gain because of excess calories. From any product, when you eat excessive amounts, can fat.

The truth about low-fat foods If you have to suffer from metabolic which is called insulin resistance, try to be careful with diets based on low fat content. When you replace the calories that give your body the saturated fats (cream, butter, eggs), calories that come from carbs (pasta, isdee, potatoes, rice, low-fat desserts), you can be higher blood sugar levels or risk of heart disease.
Remember: there can not be one right diet for everyone, because not all recover the same. It's not how much fat in your diet and how many calories. To get rid of belly, you should obtain calories from different healthy foods.
Engage in physical exercise
Squats will help to tone up the abdominal muscles. To remove deep fat, will have to strengthen all the muscles of the body. Not prohibited the lifting of dumbbells, strength training, training on simulators, as well as Cycling, running, swimming, enhancing oxygen exchange.
If you belong to the beginners category, just start moving and you will notice that the amount of fat around the waist will steadily decrease.

Source: /users/104