Architectural art installation in East Sussex

Paying tribute to the film called "the Italian job", British artist and designer Richard Wilson (Richard Wilson) has implemented an architectural art installation under nazvaniem "wait a Minute Guys, I have a great idea ...". The art installation located at the De La Warr Pavilion on one of the buildings in East Sussex (UK).

According to the official project description, title taken from the last words in the film that says one of the characters, dangerously balancing on the edge of a precipice in the Italian Alps. The film ends with an insoluble dilemma – how to save lives and gold at the same time?

Balancing on the edge of possible and impossible, and the alternation of security and risk, familiar objects and phenomena that migrated to nonstandard conditions are the main characteristics and meanings of works of the author of the installation, encouraging mixed view of daily processes, objects and phenomena.
Source: /users/78