QR world. The Russian pavilion at the Venice architecture Biennale

In Venice a few days ago the architecture Biennale, where different countries and individuals present their best achievements and developments in the industry. There and opened the Russian pavilion, which its creators decided to fill not presentation stands, and QR codes.

The third day is the Venice architecture Biennale, but it has become one of the major global trends. The first two days there was public discussion of pigeons, which the Duo of German artists fed food dyes, from which birds acquired a vivid variety of colors. Today very popular was the discussion of the Russian pavilion at this major international architectural exhibition.

Unlike other countries, Russia did not create presentation boards and layouts. She decided to go a different, more modern and technological way. And all your best achievements, our country decided to show the visitors pavilion in the form of QR codes. Because now almost every phone has a program to recognize these codes.

Those who have not been found such equipment, at the entrance of the organizers to give tablet PC iPad, in order that visitors can learn a lot of useful and interesting information about modern Russia, its modernization, scientific and architectural traditions.
Source: /users/78