Krusevica! Scrw Stool: bar stool-stopper Manuel Walski

Since the truth is in wine, so, somewhere there you can find the inspiration, the idea for the design project, which would be equally ideal as a great French wine. Probably, it was there, in the wine cellar, among bottles of Chardonnay and Chablis, he found his Muse and Manuel Welski (Manuel Welsky), the author of unusual bar stools Scrw Stool.
It is easy to guess what the thing spit in the hands of the author of the project, developing the first sketches Scrw Stool. In form and material, which was lightweight and durable balsa wood, this stool resembles a wine cork, which sometimes caused a lot of problems, if there is no corkscrew. This design project form cleverly interacts with content that can be considered great luck as this is not the first attempt to introduce the tube in the interior, but one of the most successful.

To uncork this "bottle", the corkscrew is not required. The author prudently struck on the edge of the stool-tube thread, because it will be very easy to adjust the height of the "tube", trying and twisting the seat depending on the growth sitting.

Source: /users/78
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