Pork or beef?
Pork blamed her fat, so I think difficult for the body to product. In fact, pork fat obmenivaetsya in the body at a temperature of 36 degrees, that is, when the natural temperature of the human body. So, the digestion of pork occurs without undue stress, work up a sweat and increase the temperature to "emiliania" and the breakdown of pork fat with the body is not necessary.
But to digest beef need temperature is 41-48 degrees for lamb and more — 44-52 degrees. And bile will need to do more than usual, and the enzyme lipase to produce more action. So, liver, pancreas, and biliary tract strain beyond measure it is from beef and lamb.
And pork is accused of excess of cholesterol. First, this argument requires clarification, because, according to some, in pork meat, less cholesterol (0,07-0,10 g %) than in beef fat (0.70 g %). Second, in pork fat contains considerably more high density lipoproteins ("good cholesterol") – antagonists low-density lipoproteins ("bad cholesterol") than beef. So dietary purposes, should probably eat the lamb, burning to digest it more calories, but for gentle nutrition more still suitable pork. And fat is a useful and tasty product.
Source: /users/147
But to digest beef need temperature is 41-48 degrees for lamb and more — 44-52 degrees. And bile will need to do more than usual, and the enzyme lipase to produce more action. So, liver, pancreas, and biliary tract strain beyond measure it is from beef and lamb.
And pork is accused of excess of cholesterol. First, this argument requires clarification, because, according to some, in pork meat, less cholesterol (0,07-0,10 g %) than in beef fat (0.70 g %). Second, in pork fat contains considerably more high density lipoproteins ("good cholesterol") – antagonists low-density lipoproteins ("bad cholesterol") than beef. So dietary purposes, should probably eat the lamb, burning to digest it more calories, but for gentle nutrition more still suitable pork. And fat is a useful and tasty product.
Source: /users/147