Fat burning drink
The composition of this fat burning cocktail includes low-fat yogurt, cinnamon, ginger, and red chili pepper. Each one by itself promotes weight loss, and in the friendly company of their effect is amplified. Kefir is excellent nourishes and beneficial effects on the intestines and digestive tract in General. Spices stimulate metabolic processes, helping to split fat tissues. The drink also has a cleansing effect on the body, which is useful not only for health but also for the figure.
Yogurt with cinnamon helps reduce appetite, for a long time you feel the saturation. You will need: milk (200-250 ml) ground red pepper (pinch), ground ginger and cinnamon (half a teaspoon each of the spices). Mix everything and drink. Most often yogurt with cinnamon drink for the night – at this time the extent of its effects on the body significantly increases. If the beverage is too spicy, the amount of hot pepper can be reduced, and the mass of cinnamon – increase (1-2 tsp).
If desired, the yogurt with cinnamon to blend – full-bodied air of the drink easier to digest. Doctors advise anyone who wants to lose weight, to eat instead of the usual sweet mixture of honey and cinnamon, making the sandwiches with cereal, reduced-calorie bread. This delicious and nutritious "tandem" will eliminate excess weight in a few months!
Source: /users/117

Yogurt with cinnamon helps reduce appetite, for a long time you feel the saturation. You will need: milk (200-250 ml) ground red pepper (pinch), ground ginger and cinnamon (half a teaspoon each of the spices). Mix everything and drink. Most often yogurt with cinnamon drink for the night – at this time the extent of its effects on the body significantly increases. If the beverage is too spicy, the amount of hot pepper can be reduced, and the mass of cinnamon – increase (1-2 tsp).

If desired, the yogurt with cinnamon to blend – full-bodied air of the drink easier to digest. Doctors advise anyone who wants to lose weight, to eat instead of the usual sweet mixture of honey and cinnamon, making the sandwiches with cereal, reduced-calorie bread. This delicious and nutritious "tandem" will eliminate excess weight in a few months!

Source: /users/117