Cryotherapy for health
About the healing properties of cold has been known since the time of Hippocrates. Has long been used applying ice to stop the bleeding, with severe bruises and injuries. Since then, medicine has leaped forward, and with proper application of cold can successfully fight many diseases, prolong youth and beauty. Scientific direction and methods that are associated with the effects on the body extremely low temperatures, called createmessage. The effect of cold is a powerful stimulus, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, has hardening properties, relieves nervous overload, stress, improves skin functions, stimulates the immune system.
Therapeutic effect of cryotherapy is based on the short-term influence of cold on the body. In such a small span of time manages to cool only the surface of the skin, which eliminates the possibility to get even a common cold. This impact initially causes a sharp spasm of blood vessels, and then their sudden extension. Due to thermal shock, which is tested under the influence of cold, improves peripheral circulation and accelerates the metabolism, making the skin get the nutrients — vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Within 10 minutes after the procedure, felt a burst of heat to the body, aktiviziruyutsya skin nutrition and it opened a "second wind".
Procedures can be local (Krimsky, cryo, cryosurgery) or General (cryosauna) exposure. Ultra-low temperature (minus 160-180 °C) are created using the vapor of liquid nitrogen. It has a strong bactericidal effect and enhances skin immunity. That's why cryotherapy is a great help in the treatment of oily seborrhea on the skin of the face and scalp, reduces inflammation, reduces sebum production. Cryogenic treatments strengthen blood vessel walls and are an excellent prevention of varicose veins and cellulite. In addition, a sharp change of temperature promotes the release of hormones of happiness — endorphins, which literally "inspire" the person and induce a state close to euphoria.
Cryotherapy to treat a wide range of different disorders in the body. Cryoprocedure help in diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, osteochondrosis, radiculitis), hormonal disorders (in particular, as the treatment of diabetes), obesity, chronic bronchitis, skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, oily seborrhea of the face and head), illnesses of the nervous system, stress, depression, chronic gastritis, problems with potency. Cold therapy — a powerful tool for the prevention of influenza, colds, varicose veins, cellulite.
Source: /users/147

Therapeutic effect of cryotherapy is based on the short-term influence of cold on the body. In such a small span of time manages to cool only the surface of the skin, which eliminates the possibility to get even a common cold. This impact initially causes a sharp spasm of blood vessels, and then their sudden extension. Due to thermal shock, which is tested under the influence of cold, improves peripheral circulation and accelerates the metabolism, making the skin get the nutrients — vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Within 10 minutes after the procedure, felt a burst of heat to the body, aktiviziruyutsya skin nutrition and it opened a "second wind".

Procedures can be local (Krimsky, cryo, cryosurgery) or General (cryosauna) exposure. Ultra-low temperature (minus 160-180 °C) are created using the vapor of liquid nitrogen. It has a strong bactericidal effect and enhances skin immunity. That's why cryotherapy is a great help in the treatment of oily seborrhea on the skin of the face and scalp, reduces inflammation, reduces sebum production. Cryogenic treatments strengthen blood vessel walls and are an excellent prevention of varicose veins and cellulite. In addition, a sharp change of temperature promotes the release of hormones of happiness — endorphins, which literally "inspire" the person and induce a state close to euphoria.

Cryotherapy to treat a wide range of different disorders in the body. Cryoprocedure help in diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, osteochondrosis, radiculitis), hormonal disorders (in particular, as the treatment of diabetes), obesity, chronic bronchitis, skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, oily seborrhea of the face and head), illnesses of the nervous system, stress, depression, chronic gastritis, problems with potency. Cold therapy — a powerful tool for the prevention of influenza, colds, varicose veins, cellulite.

Source: /users/147