Lamination of hair
Healthy luxury well-groomed hair has always been a measure of beauty. In order to bring us closer to the ideal, beauty industry constantly comes up with new tools, technologies and procedures. Some companies are on track to achieve immediate results, by introducing in the formula of their means of silicone and components containing it.
Sixty nine million seven hundred forty three thousand seven hundred fifty nine
It really gives an immediate effect, but in the long run often leads to sad consequences from excessive overload, the hair becomes brittle and fragile, difficult installation. Other companies offer more complex ways of systematically care. They are not harmful, but require a longer period to see the effect in all its glory. Modern woman with her fast-paced life it is not always suitable. Company Paul Mitchell found a solution that will satisfy everyone: fighters for the health of the hair, and supporters immediate effect — lamination.
Fifty one million two hundred thirty five thousand two hundred fourteen
The essence of the lamination is to create on the surface of the hair with a protective film that envelops them, filling in and smoothing out all the irregularities in their structure. This coating gives the hair a well-groomed appearance, Shine and extra volume. In addition, it protects the hair from aggressive environmental influences (pollution, UV radiation, dry air indoors) and the adverse effects of salts of the tap water. The effect lasts for 3-5 weeks. After lamination, the hair becomes more supple, elastic and shiny. The volume is increased by at least 10-12 percent. Lamination allows you to keep stacking even under adverse weather conditions (because the protective film of the hair doesn't absorb moisture).
Thirty nine million four hundred thirty three thousand three hundred sixty four
Another advantage of the procedure is the ability to prolong the life of color, holding the color molecules inside the hair and not letting it wash out. In addition, laminated hair is not electrified. This is particularly true during the cold period, when our clothing contains more synthetics.
Source: /users/117
Sixty nine million seven hundred forty three thousand seven hundred fifty nine
It really gives an immediate effect, but in the long run often leads to sad consequences from excessive overload, the hair becomes brittle and fragile, difficult installation. Other companies offer more complex ways of systematically care. They are not harmful, but require a longer period to see the effect in all its glory. Modern woman with her fast-paced life it is not always suitable. Company Paul Mitchell found a solution that will satisfy everyone: fighters for the health of the hair, and supporters immediate effect — lamination.
Fifty one million two hundred thirty five thousand two hundred fourteen
The essence of the lamination is to create on the surface of the hair with a protective film that envelops them, filling in and smoothing out all the irregularities in their structure. This coating gives the hair a well-groomed appearance, Shine and extra volume. In addition, it protects the hair from aggressive environmental influences (pollution, UV radiation, dry air indoors) and the adverse effects of salts of the tap water. The effect lasts for 3-5 weeks. After lamination, the hair becomes more supple, elastic and shiny. The volume is increased by at least 10-12 percent. Lamination allows you to keep stacking even under adverse weather conditions (because the protective film of the hair doesn't absorb moisture).
Thirty nine million four hundred thirty three thousand three hundred sixty four
Another advantage of the procedure is the ability to prolong the life of color, holding the color molecules inside the hair and not letting it wash out. In addition, laminated hair is not electrified. This is particularly true during the cold period, when our clothing contains more synthetics.
Source: /users/117