A willow Cathedral in Melbourne

American artist Patrick Dougherty (Patrick Dougherty) has created a Cathedral made of willow. Installation, the material for which was the young shoots of willow, graced Federation Square in Melbourne, Australia.
To create a new architectural monument took more than 10 tons of young branches of a willow tree.
The whole job took about three weeks, during which the artist hand-twisted the branches together. In this process Patrick helped gloves and two shears.

An interesting fact is that in Victoria, where Melbourne, the willow is considered a weed. His dislike for the dense weave of branches, roots, from which it is difficult to get rid of, and severe defoliation affecting the quality of local water. To combat the excessive spread of this plant annually spent a significant amount.
But this weed are well suited for the formation of a recognizable architectural installation. Material for the project and financial support was provided by the companies Cricket willow and Melbourne water.
Visit the Cathedral of willow will be possible before 2013.

Source: /users/104