Wave Clapper and Power Wing - poplavkovye system for power supply
In recent years China has been steadily increasing its efforts to use energy of coastal waves and tides. Recently, an agreement was concluded with the Dutch on the design and construction of tidal power plants. Another project will be implemented jointly with the Israeli company Eco Wave Power.
Eco Wave Power (EWP) signed the contract with the Chinese ocean University for funding and testing of the first commercial installations of Wave Clapper and Power Wing technology which was developed in Israel.
In 2012, EPW demonstrated the potential of their technologies. The company has built in the Kyiv Institute of hydromechanics of NAS of Ukraine small-size prototype of a wave power plant, and then ran the same generator of medium size in the Black sea. In addition, the collectors of wave energy Wave Clapper and Power Wing was awarded the Frost & Sullivan aims to stimulate the further development of the project.
Wave Clapper and Power Wing are a relatively small float system, freely rocking on the sea waves and transmitting mechanical vibration to the electric generator. Their power is relatively small, about 1 MW, enough to power 600 – 1200 households.
Flexible modular design wave machines provides protection from corrosion, storm and shock waves. They are equipped with mechanical systems for adjusting the position of the floats, an innovative energy management system and is designed to operate for 30 years.
The installation of EWP did not differ huge size or capacity. Their advantage is simplicity and low cost. Wave energy collectors can be placed in close proximity to the shoreline, including existing hydraulic structures such as breakwaters, piers, fixed and floating platforms.
Cooperation with the State of the ocean University of China is an important step in the implementation of the next phase of the project, approaching the beginning of commercial exploitation of the technology. In accordance with the terms of the agreement, the University provides funding for the construction of wave installations of industrial scale, related development work and research.
As noted by the founder of the EWP David Loeb (David Leb): "the Cooperation between EWP and ocean University of China became possible thanks to the Road Show, organized by the China industrial centre of the Israeli MATIMOP and the Office of the chief scientist of the Ministry of trade and labor". In this exhibition in the month of September, seven Israeli companies have demonstrated in Beijing, Tianjin, Changzhou and Zidane the benefits of clean renewable energy technologies.
Source: /users/104
Eco Wave Power (EWP) signed the contract with the Chinese ocean University for funding and testing of the first commercial installations of Wave Clapper and Power Wing technology which was developed in Israel.
In 2012, EPW demonstrated the potential of their technologies. The company has built in the Kyiv Institute of hydromechanics of NAS of Ukraine small-size prototype of a wave power plant, and then ran the same generator of medium size in the Black sea. In addition, the collectors of wave energy Wave Clapper and Power Wing was awarded the Frost & Sullivan aims to stimulate the further development of the project.

Wave Clapper and Power Wing are a relatively small float system, freely rocking on the sea waves and transmitting mechanical vibration to the electric generator. Their power is relatively small, about 1 MW, enough to power 600 – 1200 households.
Flexible modular design wave machines provides protection from corrosion, storm and shock waves. They are equipped with mechanical systems for adjusting the position of the floats, an innovative energy management system and is designed to operate for 30 years.
The installation of EWP did not differ huge size or capacity. Their advantage is simplicity and low cost. Wave energy collectors can be placed in close proximity to the shoreline, including existing hydraulic structures such as breakwaters, piers, fixed and floating platforms.

Cooperation with the State of the ocean University of China is an important step in the implementation of the next phase of the project, approaching the beginning of commercial exploitation of the technology. In accordance with the terms of the agreement, the University provides funding for the construction of wave installations of industrial scale, related development work and research.
As noted by the founder of the EWP David Loeb (David Leb): "the Cooperation between EWP and ocean University of China became possible thanks to the Road Show, organized by the China industrial centre of the Israeli MATIMOP and the Office of the chief scientist of the Ministry of trade and labor". In this exhibition in the month of September, seven Israeli companies have demonstrated in Beijing, Tianjin, Changzhou and Zidane the benefits of clean renewable energy technologies.
Source: /users/104
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