Christmas tree as the most environmentally friendly accessory Christmas holiday
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Nearing the time of new year trouble, and it is time to think about how to surprise and please your family. And one of the main issues – what will be this year's Christmas tree. It turns out in order to celebrate the holiday, no need to chop down trees. There are many other alternative Christmas trees made of sustainable materials such as recycled cardboard or wood and decorate them with led lights.
Instead of decorating with star top of the tree, as is usually the case, why not make stars of the entire tree, decided design Studio Modernica Studio and made the Christmas tree cluster from the Star of David. The size of the tree is such that it can be placed on the table. It remains only to decorate the star tree with cranberry or popcorn and a New year has begun.
Tree by Sandra Lindner consists of a simple wooden base, which is crowned with flickering wax candles. It is worth noting that designer Christmas trees create in the Studio for the physically and mentally retarded people.
Kids will love the Christmas tree made from recycled cardboard. Tree with carved ornaments quite easy going. It can be decorated with candies and even color that will be a great joint activity for the whole family.
Safari Alpine Tree — another tree made of recycled cardboard. It looks like openwork lattice and is an original look at the table or on the fireplace. And to emphasize the occasion, it is appropriate to add to a Christmas tree with bright ornaments.
Source: /users/78
Nearing the time of new year trouble, and it is time to think about how to surprise and please your family. And one of the main issues – what will be this year's Christmas tree. It turns out in order to celebrate the holiday, no need to chop down trees. There are many other alternative Christmas trees made of sustainable materials such as recycled cardboard or wood and decorate them with led lights.

Instead of decorating with star top of the tree, as is usually the case, why not make stars of the entire tree, decided design Studio Modernica Studio and made the Christmas tree cluster from the Star of David. The size of the tree is such that it can be placed on the table. It remains only to decorate the star tree with cranberry or popcorn and a New year has begun.

Tree by Sandra Lindner consists of a simple wooden base, which is crowned with flickering wax candles. It is worth noting that designer Christmas trees create in the Studio for the physically and mentally retarded people.

Kids will love the Christmas tree made from recycled cardboard. Tree with carved ornaments quite easy going. It can be decorated with candies and even color that will be a great joint activity for the whole family.

Safari Alpine Tree — another tree made of recycled cardboard. It looks like openwork lattice and is an original look at the table or on the fireplace. And to emphasize the occasion, it is appropriate to add to a Christmas tree with bright ornaments.
Source: /users/78
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