Lazika Municipality Building, the municipality building in Georgia

Lazika Municipality Building is a building of Lazika municipality (Georgia). The informal architecture of the institution was developed by the specialists of the British-Georgian architectural Studio Architects of Invention. A new municipal building became part of the development plan of the city located on the coast of the Black sea. A landmark for the city facility includes a community hall, a hall for wedding ceremonies and municipal agencies space.

A progressive structure that represents a cross between function and art object, was built in just 168 days. The building consists of several parts, each of which can function separately from the others. However, the volumes have a fragile relationship with each other through the void.

This "air" seismically stable object supports the local tradition of building on stilts due to the swampy landscape and climatic features of the territory. The structural frame is made from metal, using a number of steel columns.

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