Protecting ships from the waves
Ships at sea are exposed to many dangers, and not all of them are associated with storms and hurricanes. Rouge waves, killer waves, wave-villains – all this relates to this yet little studied phenomenon of suddenly arising out of nowhere waves able in moments to sink almost any ship floating.
The research ship called the Rogue Hunter (the Hunter villain) was designed by the French designer, specializing in nautical themes, VIO Sylvain (Sylvain VIAU) in order to hunt and to study solitary wave, which pose a danger to the many ships at sea. The designer believes that one day people will be able to conduct actual measurements in the sea, including during storms to confirm the theory of the anomalous waves. It is for this purpose and requires a specially designed ship that will be able to perform this task and return intact.
Ship Rogue Hunter for the successful implementation of its functions has a strong volnoprihodyaschy body, is entirely constructed starting from the overall structure to the propulsion system to overcome the huge and strong waves. Extremely smooth bow of the ship offers no weak points. Feed it is designed to as well to protect the engine both outside and inside, and protect from destruction the main equipment on Board. The length of this ship is 57 meters long and 8 meters, and it is able to reach a speed of 18 knots.
The propulsion system used to operate an electric engine with a large power supply in the hold, which allows the vehicle to provide good stability and support powered by electric motors only when the generator is off.
At the moment the project is still under development, but there is no doubt that with it, researchers will get an excellent opportunity to study the causes and behavior of waves-killers and thus save many human lives.
Source: /users/104

The research ship called the Rogue Hunter (the Hunter villain) was designed by the French designer, specializing in nautical themes, VIO Sylvain (Sylvain VIAU) in order to hunt and to study solitary wave, which pose a danger to the many ships at sea. The designer believes that one day people will be able to conduct actual measurements in the sea, including during storms to confirm the theory of the anomalous waves. It is for this purpose and requires a specially designed ship that will be able to perform this task and return intact.
Ship Rogue Hunter for the successful implementation of its functions has a strong volnoprihodyaschy body, is entirely constructed starting from the overall structure to the propulsion system to overcome the huge and strong waves. Extremely smooth bow of the ship offers no weak points. Feed it is designed to as well to protect the engine both outside and inside, and protect from destruction the main equipment on Board. The length of this ship is 57 meters long and 8 meters, and it is able to reach a speed of 18 knots.

The propulsion system used to operate an electric engine with a large power supply in the hold, which allows the vehicle to provide good stability and support powered by electric motors only when the generator is off.
At the moment the project is still under development, but there is no doubt that with it, researchers will get an excellent opportunity to study the causes and behavior of waves-killers and thus save many human lives.

Source: /users/104