Meet Musio, cute robot who wants to be your friend

Musio , the first product of the company-developer of software and artificial intelligence AKAStudy, change our view of the robot companion. Using the technology of machine learning and natural language processing, it can hold a conversation, and even to learn by listening to your conversations, making it more like an attentive other than a dumb machine.
ACA hopes to raise $ 50,000 through crowdfunding resource Indiegogo to develop Musio . At the moment, even without the promotion, the company has already received $ 16,000 from the patrons. Musio may be more reasonable physical shape Siri from Apple : he is able to inform you of the receipt of e-mail or an event in the calendar, but it can also interact with the connected devices in your home.

AKA originally invented Musio , to teach children English in Asia, but eventually realized that it is more necessary in a home robot that can keep the conversation going.
Musio can be your friend, with whom you can talk and have fun - says linguist AKA Jacob Bredsher. - People are afraid of the AI, but we want to show how it can be used for the benefit of society.
You can see the work Musio Video:
ACA plans to offer a series of price positions Musio , starting with inexpensive option for children who can handle basic conversation, - $ 99 . It is also proposed addition that turns Musio in interactive teacher.
A leading advanced version of Musio Developer for about $ 599 . Somewhere between these two price ranges will be "smart" version of Musio , which can operate autonomously up to 11 hours. Developers also will be able to add-on that connects Musio three cards that are compatible with Arduino, three modules Zigbee and application controller for Android.
ACA has also developed a peripheral called «Sophy», which allows Musio interact with objects in your home.
Musio have a long way of development, and it is not known whether the ACA to reach all of their goals, to get funding. But it is a sign of the beginning of an alternative life with technology. Instead of the cold cylinder Echo from Amazon - Musio - connected home robot, which can even make friends.