As I drove the robot, I almost turned gray and filled with blood server
This is the story of one of the most memorable events in my engineering practice. For obvious reasons, I changed names, places, and some recognizable detail, it was impossible to accurately determine customer and other participants in the story.
Here is the tape storage (our was smaller), and the robot library (our same). Chinese is not included. I>
Part 1 Box h4> I remember, were the last days of November. Already thinking about the end of the day, I planned a night when suddenly I was told that in the glorious Siberian city N our customer broken tape library. Spare immediately sent to the transport company, but after 3 days, it was still on the way. The transport company and grunted vaguely explained to the phone, and the customer is not a joke became nervous. The forecasts are uncertain, so we decided to take one more spare his forces on the plane. Warehouse staff handed me a box of an overall weight of ten kilograms, pasted barcodes and stickers, and joyfully clapped me on the shoulder and said, "Just do not try to take the luggage - pomnut."
Important deviation h4> This story happened a few years ago, when I was in the engineer, when I flew a lot around the country, and waking up in another hotel, sometimes could not figure out what I'm in town. 4-5 trips per month affects the way of life. And the personification of this way of life was always ready for my next trip backpack.
Part 2: The Librarian h4> I got out of the taxi, and suddenly from the terminal building, I was stopped by the police. "Your papers!" - He spat, and a sense of profound satisfaction somehow spilled over his face. There was a wicked chilly wind, making it difficult to deal with my pockets and bags. I, as I could have drawn their documents and handed Overseer of the rule of law. The idea is that a young man who travels only with a laptop, a big box and a package of white powder, should not cause any suspicions, so I painted on his face sincere bewilderment. "What have you got in the box?" - He asked indifferently. It seems that the package was nothing like milk powder, he has already identified its professional flair, and so the package was not interested in it anymore. But the box is defied his insight. "This is a robot" - I said.
Part 3. Inspection h4> I moved to the landing zone, remembering how just finished with a badge. "Has done - I thought - and could have a flight late».
Part 4 Manor h4> Rusty "Volga" creaking rushed me from the airport to the hotel. From thirty dubious taxi drivers, welcoming night flight in front of the local airport, it seemed to me the most conservative. Throughout his hunched and smoky appearance felt some decency and even nobility. However, the appearance of a taxi driver is often misleading, and the whole way he wondered why I live in Moscow, but did not know how things have Alla Pugacheva. "You live with her in the same town, and you do not know ?!" - did not let my cab driver. He did not like my ignorance, but at the same time did not want to lose face in front of the capital's guest. By the door of the hotel, we drove up smartly and with a squeal of brakes, completing a steep pirouette, impermissible for avtomotoagregata with such a venerable age. The door of the machine seemed to burst open itself, or simply fall off. Hearing my question: "Do you give me a check?" The taxi driver waved his arms and had forgotten conversational skills.
Part 5. sleep or not to sleep? h4> Hotel room greeted me with plush curtains to the floor and a musty smell of damp. I sat on the edge of the bed, located in a recessed wall, gently lowered to a treasured box with a robot and surprise greeted with a spider in the corner. Works at the customer were scheduled for 9 am, the clock was 6 local. In my head still buzzing engines IL-62 and other delights of hours of flight. I mentally figured prospects to sleep a few hours and wake up fresh and just made the right decision not to go to bed. Physiologically my business tending to a late dinner even kefirchik night, so I adjusted the box our firm green scotch and went into the shower.
Part 6. Simon h4> When to 9 am I arrived with a robot and milk powder to the customer, at the entrance I met a representative of the IT department, who said that his supposed name Simeon. Simon talked incessantly about everything around, and then wiping his mouth with his hand. In his mind the rustic manners, it was clear that the role of the department met him gets most often as the most skilled illiterate, but very sociable person. Without a doubt, Simon called the confidence of the people, and, as it later turned out, had a wonderful, almost irrepressible appetite.
Part 7: Cluster h4> Accompanied seeds I walked into the turbine building. Everywhere were scattered boxes of different sizes with inscriptions Dell, Cisco, EMC. Many of them have been opened around lay wires, rails for the installation of equipment in the rack, stacks of documents and electricians. Electricians not just lay it swarmed with wires under the raised floor, and quietly quarreling. At the heart of this creative chaos rose senior specialist of the Department Nicholas. He conducted the workshop. Hiding from the meeting, behind a pile of boxes languished our Alex, squinting at the monitor of your laptop and secretly eating breakfast bun. Simon also wanted a loaf of bread, but he had to participate in the meeting, so he just puffed.
Part 8. From dawn to dusk h4> I do not remember how the day went. I only remember that my colleagues once said that the tape library in the light of the circumstances, wait, and now my hands are important in another case.
Part 9 Hour X h4> «X hour has come" - cheerfully he said, yawning, Nicholas, conferred briefly with someone local phone calls. "It is, come," - he repeated from the tube, which he has not had time to put and giggled. They were "applied arts", who also were on duty that night and after our work had to make sure everything worked.
Part 10. Untitled h4> I woke up because the synchronization is over, but for some reason were not happy. Cluster service is not raised. I was called out of the country of dreams, so I looked in the logs. Through the fog in my mind before I was to realize that the problem was with the disk subsystem. Group logical volumes imported from error and data were not available. The reasons are not yet clear, but it starts to look like the prospect of rolling back to the old configuration, ie, Plan "B". At seven o'clock in the morning the system was supposed to be operational, so to think there was no time. Then I also could not imagine that the tragic events of that night were just beginning to unfold.
Part 11 Akella missed h4> The fog has finally dispelled in my mind. It is said that in extreme situations the human body is mobilized. I frantically thought what can be done. From the storage system was all right. Convinced of this, my colleague Alex waved by signing its impotence, and went to watch a movie on a laptop. I have already spoken about his irrational behavior. But formally complain to it was not for that.
Part 12 Hindi h4> Have you ever felt like the hair on the head move, intending to turn gray? Pretending that we have lost a database, I would not even think that it would be in the morning.
Part 13. At dawn penalty h4> At 4 o'clock in the morning we realized that the other options no choice but to recover from a backup. All eyes were fixed on the tape library. Nicholas even crawled to her, wiping the floor tie. "What will be the base with a ribbon unwound?" - I asked the local bakapschika. "For three hours, probably - he said hesitantly, - but we have never tested." We urgently need to be replaced in the library of the robot, because three hours, we have been a stretch. I have never so quickly open the package and do not screw the screws. With the robot, covered in blood, it was over, he stood up on the seat. Blood filled his I, injuring a finger because of the rush, but the dressing was not. Shelknul switch library and shined the light inside, the robot was moved and started calibration.

Here is the tape storage (our was smaller), and the robot library (our same). Chinese is not included. I>