Watch for the visually impaired
For the visually impaired and blind people have been inventing new devices, but about the hours the developers have thought of recently. But in modern society is always to know the exact time – one of the most important things. In connection with the advent of mobile phones and other similar items wrist watches lose its relevance, while remaining for most more ornament, attractive accessory. But not for blind people, forced to see her watch for the time, constantly doing the same complicated procedure: open the lid, to probe the position of each arrow, to close the lid. It is not too convenient.
Therefore, several designers, among which Professor Ying Fang Tian (Prof. Ying Fangtian), Tea Chun Lei (Chunlei Chai), Chen kin Guan (Chen Qingyuan), Li Ke (Li Ke), pan Yu (Pan Yu), Cao Yu (Cao Yu), GU Shirong (Gu Shirong), Liu Yi (Liu Yi), pan Xiao Bi (Pan Xiaobi) and Li Xiao Wei (Li Xiaowei), has decided to equalize the visually impaired people's rights to information about the time numerically with other people. They created wrist watch +-8 Wrist Watch.
This is a great watch for visually impaired people, because they show the time in a tactile expression. You can touch and feel time because front made of an elastic material, thus allowing time to be displayed in the form of prints of digits. A simple press of the side hours allows digital indicators become visible and you can not only see, but feel time. These watches offer a unique way to time, and they also allow visually impaired people to read the time. Obviously, these watches offer a much more simple way to know the time, because here, simply click on the button. And while they look attractive and modern, also successfully fulfilling the role of decoration.
Source: /users/104

Therefore, several designers, among which Professor Ying Fang Tian (Prof. Ying Fangtian), Tea Chun Lei (Chunlei Chai), Chen kin Guan (Chen Qingyuan), Li Ke (Li Ke), pan Yu (Pan Yu), Cao Yu (Cao Yu), GU Shirong (Gu Shirong), Liu Yi (Liu Yi), pan Xiao Bi (Pan Xiaobi) and Li Xiao Wei (Li Xiaowei), has decided to equalize the visually impaired people's rights to information about the time numerically with other people. They created wrist watch +-8 Wrist Watch.
This is a great watch for visually impaired people, because they show the time in a tactile expression. You can touch and feel time because front made of an elastic material, thus allowing time to be displayed in the form of prints of digits. A simple press of the side hours allows digital indicators become visible and you can not only see, but feel time. These watches offer a unique way to time, and they also allow visually impaired people to read the time. Obviously, these watches offer a much more simple way to know the time, because here, simply click on the button. And while they look attractive and modern, also successfully fulfilling the role of decoration.

Source: /users/104