The time can be detrimental to human
More light, more activity is the purpose of the annual March of the clock. But, according to biologists, the transition to summer break, first of all, internal rhythm. Because the sensor body is not a clock, and the light of day.
Some transition to new times happy, others sad. Every year on the last Sunday of March clocks are moved forward an hour, and on the last Sunday of Oct — ago. But the desired result does not, say biologists from the Munich University. Ludwig Maximilian Thiel Of Renneberg.
"Biological clock of a person change under the seasonal time of sunrise" — says Thomas Konterman.
Translation of the arrows acts on the natural rhythm of the body, but still its effects are little studied. In most available studies have concluded that the modified time, the body adjusts within a few days.
Daylight saving time, as scientists believe, is not just useless — they even claim that in the long term it may harm health. But while high-profile statements, they do not.
"Though clocks are moved one hour, this transition carries much more serious consequences than we thought," say the experts. As the natural time of sunrise is changing, says Kanterman in the spring, this time shifting puts a man four weeks ago. "As if they were back in February," he said Kanterman.
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