Top 3 most unusual social networks
Lost zombies
For those who are tired of looking at cats, welcome to a network dedicated to zombies and vampires LostZombies.com. Discuss movies, inventing possible scenarios, photos, videos and walking dead, forums, and blogs. The participants of the forum promise to release a film based on his own story. I watch the news.
Dreaming is not bad
A sign of a new era: want a dream come true, tell us about it REMcloud.com Twitter is a dream where everyone can post it your sleep is in General a ribbon. The main thing — to remember a dream in the morning and have time to record it. Don't remember dreams? Then share with the world the dreams in www.matchadream.com.
The way to heaven
If there are dark forces, then where is it going and bright. Such places could be considered users of the social network of good deeds lineforheaven.com/. If you want to do a good deed, but can't figure out where to apply force, here you will find a list with the tasks for the "repair of karma." For the completed tasks, get points – kind of a pass to heaven.
Source: /users/413
For those who are tired of looking at cats, welcome to a network dedicated to zombies and vampires LostZombies.com. Discuss movies, inventing possible scenarios, photos, videos and walking dead, forums, and blogs. The participants of the forum promise to release a film based on his own story. I watch the news.

Dreaming is not bad
A sign of a new era: want a dream come true, tell us about it REMcloud.com Twitter is a dream where everyone can post it your sleep is in General a ribbon. The main thing — to remember a dream in the morning and have time to record it. Don't remember dreams? Then share with the world the dreams in www.matchadream.com.

The way to heaven
If there are dark forces, then where is it going and bright. Such places could be considered users of the social network of good deeds lineforheaven.com/. If you want to do a good deed, but can't figure out where to apply force, here you will find a list with the tasks for the "repair of karma." For the completed tasks, get points – kind of a pass to heaven.

Source: /users/413