Going to the tanning salon can replace fruit and vegetables
Experts from St. Andrews University in Scotland found recently that with a special diet can achieve the effect of tanning.
For this you need to eat every day at least 3 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables (including carrots, cabbage and kiwi). Under this diet the skin will healthy and radiant look and acquire some sort of tan after six weeks.
Researchers having experience with the participation of several volunteers, and studied the effect of diet on skin color. All volunteers (men and women) were photographed before and after the experiment. In the end, found that regular consumption of vegetables and fruits enhances red and yellow tones of the skin are of natural origin.
Then the images of volunteers were shown to other people who had to assess their appearance. The highest scores were given to the owners of healthy and radiant skin. Experts believe that companies who promote the idea of having a daily consumption of 5 servings of and vegetables, you can safely use the results of this study. As it turned out, vegetables and fruits not simply provided health benefits, but also can be a great replacement for the Solarium.
Source: /users/559
For this you need to eat every day at least 3 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables (including carrots, cabbage and kiwi). Under this diet the skin will healthy and radiant look and acquire some sort of tan after six weeks.
Researchers having experience with the participation of several volunteers, and studied the effect of diet on skin color. All volunteers (men and women) were photographed before and after the experiment. In the end, found that regular consumption of vegetables and fruits enhances red and yellow tones of the skin are of natural origin.
Then the images of volunteers were shown to other people who had to assess their appearance. The highest scores were given to the owners of healthy and radiant skin. Experts believe that companies who promote the idea of having a daily consumption of 5 servings of and vegetables, you can safely use the results of this study. As it turned out, vegetables and fruits not simply provided health benefits, but also can be a great replacement for the Solarium.
Source: /users/559
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