4 simple ways to make your Android vulnerable to hacking
1. Install lock screen
Yes, the screen locking Android doesn't look strong barrier, but even he is able to give some protection against casual attacks.
It gives you several options to unlock patern, pin, password, and Unlock Fаce, at least stock Android devices. Of these methods the more security will provide the password.
2. Install Anti-Malware program
As well as on a Windows machine, any anti-virus program in the system will be very useful. There are many Anti-Mаlware programs, many of which are free. Good recommendations deserve Loоkout, AVG, and Avаst. They can track malicious code, check installed applications against a database of known threats, and in General to monitor the safe operation of your smartphone.
3. Do not cache passwords
It's a bit annoying, but it's true. Password caching is of course very convenient, but it is a gift from heaven to someone who can steal your device. Thanks to them, the attacker from one of the phone can retrieve the usernames of your email, social network account, and a lot of other things.
4. Check Root privileges
If you got rоot-right on your Android (which is generally more than justified), you should be very vigilant in matters of security. Rooting the phone will enable applications to run with the access level "rоot", to bypass normal system checks. A malicious application with roоt access will be very dangerous – in fact, it can do on your phone all it wants without you knowing.
Source: /users/413
Yes, the screen locking Android doesn't look strong barrier, but even he is able to give some protection against casual attacks.
It gives you several options to unlock patern, pin, password, and Unlock Fаce, at least stock Android devices. Of these methods the more security will provide the password.
2. Install Anti-Malware program
As well as on a Windows machine, any anti-virus program in the system will be very useful. There are many Anti-Mаlware programs, many of which are free. Good recommendations deserve Loоkout, AVG, and Avаst. They can track malicious code, check installed applications against a database of known threats, and in General to monitor the safe operation of your smartphone.
3. Do not cache passwords
It's a bit annoying, but it's true. Password caching is of course very convenient, but it is a gift from heaven to someone who can steal your device. Thanks to them, the attacker from one of the phone can retrieve the usernames of your email, social network account, and a lot of other things.
4. Check Root privileges
If you got rоot-right on your Android (which is generally more than justified), you should be very vigilant in matters of security. Rooting the phone will enable applications to run with the access level "rоot", to bypass normal system checks. A malicious application with roоt access will be very dangerous – in fact, it can do on your phone all it wants without you knowing.
Source: /users/413