Why you need to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Most favorable for dental treatment is the second trimester of pregnancy. During this period, when it is put all the system and organs, dental work can not affect the further development of the fetus. In this period of pregnancy the mother is in very comfortable condition.

Doctors urge all pregnant women and pre-dental examination and dental treatment, not to leave for later, as all you need to do at the time. At the moment there is no scientific study that confirms the fact that the fetus is the cause of tooth decay in pregnant women, or confirming the fact that the fetus takes calcium from the teeth mother. On the contrary, if the mouth of a pregnant sanitized and personal hygiene is maintained at its proper level, no new lesions of caries will never occur.

The baby is "taking" the teeth is, of course, the common myth that believe thousands of pregnant women, and not only. Problems arise as a result of inaction! You need to take it easy and be sure to consult with a specialist.

Source: /users/559


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